按Windows 開始 按鈕 在搜尋方塊中,鍵入 "卸載" 並按 "ENTER"。 在搜索結果中,找到並按一下 "添加或刪除程式" 查找XNote Stopwatch 1.68 適用的條目,並按一下 "卸載" 按照提示進行卸載。 完全卸載軟體後,重新開機個人電腦並重新安裝 XNote Stopwatch 軟體。 如果此步驟 2 也失敗,請繼續執行下麵的步驟 3。
cdand a space. From the Thunderbird folder in Finder, drag the icon to the terminal window so that the path to the folder immediately follows the cd command. PressEnterto run the command and then enterrm -f .parentlock. Causes of Thunderbird Not Responding Thunderbird is already running, ...
C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Endpoint Security\Mozilla Thunderbird\chrome.manifest C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Endpoint Security\Mozilla Thunderbird\Components\eplgTb.dll C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Endpoint Security\Mozilla Thunderbird\install.rdf C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Endpoint Security\msvc...