If the new Edge browser was installed viaWindows Update, the Settings > Apps > Apps & features page does not offer an Uninstall option for the Edge. The Uninstall button is greyed out. Luckily, there is a workaround to remove the Edge browser if the Uninstall button is greyed out. To r...
Many users often complain us that the Uninstall option or button is grayed out or is not clickable. This means that, at times, one cannot uninstall an app because the Uninstall option is grayed out. Why uninstall button is grayed out in Settings? You might have noticed this before, but no...
When you openControl Panel -> Programs and Featuresto uninstall new Microsoft Edge browser, you notice that Uninstall button is grayed out i.e. disabled and you can’t click on Uninstall button to get rid of new Microsoft Edge browser. Some people are not getting Uninstall button...
The default browser for Microsoft's Windows operating system is Microsoft Edge. And you can uninstall it when you have Google Chrome, or you don't like it. Unfortunately, some users find that the "Uninstall" option greyed out, and they can't uninstall Microsoft Edge Windows 10/11. Don't ...
Windows doesn't let me uninstall Microsoft Edge Currently I'm on Windows 11 Insider preview and I cannot uninstall Microsoft Edge. The uninstall button is greyed out and says "this app cannot be uninstalled because of the policy set by your organi......
I've read many forums that say to do this and also the developer's website says this is the best way. However, when I try this, the uninstall option is greyed out (see picture below). Can anyone help me figure out why it's greyed out, or how to enable it to be clicked?
Windows doesn't let me uninstall Microsoft Edge Currently I'm on Windows 11 Insider preview and I cannot uninstall Microsoft Edge. The uninstall button is greyed out and says "this app cannot be uninstalled because of the policy set by your organization". I live in Greece....
An advanced version of the command prompt, the Windows PowerShell can execute a lot many complex tasks based on the commands as well. Usually, this method is used for built-in apps that you might not be able to normally uninstall from Settings or Control Panel. You can see greyed-out uni...
“Apps” name extension that is added in the browser without their knowledge, which they can’t remove, others found that they can’t uninstall extension(s) because theRemovebutton is greyed out or disabled or not present. The following message can also be seen for an extension that can’t...
On some versions of Windows, uninstalling Edge from Windows Settings is still possible. If you can locate the app in this menu and click Uninstall, it’ll be removed in just a few minutes. If you can’t find Edge in the app list or the option to uninstall it is greyed out, keep rea...