Fix 1. Uninstall Single Program Using Get-Package CommandsIf you want to uninstall a single program via PowerShell, use the Get-Package Commands. Run the below command on PowerShell to perform the process."Uninstall-Package-Name"Example:
Step2. Enter the command to uninstall system programs After opening the PowerShell window, type the following command and press Enter. You will see all the downloaded applications and their package fullnames. Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName You can find the program you want to u...
--> EDIT: now I found a way to uninstall XD silently (using Remove-AppxPackage powershell command). But even after the removal of XD, Creative Cloud desktop uninstaller still says applications are present. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply alister...
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Microsoft.Xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage ...differ? .NET Core Windows PowerShell Reply Harm_Veenstra MVP Jan 19, 2022 Not sure what your question is? The example you gave for Winget is very specific when specifying the id and exact paramet...
I have created the below powershell script and added that under Device Configuration>PowerShell Scripts on Intune, and assigned to a group. I have a test machine that is a part of this group. prettyprint 复制 Get-AppxPackage * | Remove-AppxPackage Start-Sleep -milliseconds 30000 From ...
Let’s figure out how to remove apps built-in Windows 10. You can use PowerShell to uninstall programs silently. To take this opportunity, it is necessary to carry out the following set of actions: Click on the search icon next to the launch and enter the appropriate query, then select ...
In addition, Since I'm not familar the VSIX, however, to uninstall package with powershell, these cmdlets are for your reference:Removes an app package (.appx): Remove-AppxPackageTo get the installed package : Get-AppxPackageOr if you want to uninstall app...
3) Enter (or Copy & Paste) thecommandbelow in the PowerShell to uninstall the apps you need. Uninstall 3D Builder: Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage Uninstall Alarms and Clock: Get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage ...
1. Run PowerShell as an admin. 2. Run: Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxApp | Remove-AppxPackage 3. A message might flash at the top of the PowerShell window for a moment, but there’ll probably be no messages under the command when you run it. 4. RESTART YOUR COMPUTER. Do not try ...
Toremove a default app in Windows 10, you need to open an elevated PowerShell instance first. Open the Start menu (pressWinkey on the keyboard) and type Powershell. When it comes up in the search results, right click on it and choose "Run as administrator". Or you can also pressCtrl...