解决PS启动时的问题---Please uninstall and reinstall the product,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
wsl --unregister Ubuntu You can runwsl --listto see a list of installed Linux distributions and their names. On older versions of Windows 10, to remove the downloaded Bash environment, open a Command Prompt window and run the following command. This will uninstall and delete the Ubuntu user ...
3. Click OK to save the changes and restart your computer. After the restart, you completely uninstall WSL on Windows 11/10. If you change your mind and want to run a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you can still reinstall WSL on your computer. facebook twitter linkedin reddit About The...
At this point I didn't even know how I could uninstall rustup. But I followed the suggestion listed above to restart the computer and delete the .cargo and .rustup folders. After that, I could reinstall Rust with no problems. Perhaps this experience can solve some light into reproducing t...
(wsl -- shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. If not sufficient, WSL may need to be reinstalled fully. As a last resort, try to uninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop. If the issue persists please collect diagnostics and submit an issue (https://docs.docker.com/desktop/troubleshoot/overview...
I try to remove the old cuda version and install the newest version on wsl. I updated the nvidia driver on my windows,and use runfile to install cuda toolkit(wsl-ubuntu ver.) on wsl. but when I tried to compile my cuda…
I would suggest you to completely uninstall the touchpad driver and reinstall it. Kindly follow the below given steps. Press “Windows key + X” and click on “Device Manager”. In the list of devices, you should see the touchpad drivers. Right click on the device and then select "Uninst...
How to fix invisible text on menus and buttons in Windows 10? How to fix: The database disk image is malformed. (Using command line and a Windows 10 iso (not an in place upgrade repair)) How to force reinstall of Hyper-V integration services within Windows 10? How to force Status Rep...
If you do not have Win10 Enterprise or Education, you may still have some luck modifying the image via the Powershell commands Export-StartLayout and Import-StartLayout. See https://4sysops.com/archives/deploy-the-windows-10-start-menu-layout-with-group-policy/ for more details....
'Turn Windows Features On or Off' only contains the ".NET Framework Advanced Services", so unchecking this will not uninstall the complete Framework. .NET 4.7 is included in the Creators Update and can not be uninstalled. see this other thread: Uninstalling .net 4.7 ...