1. npm uninstall会备份包本身依赖的node_modules,rm -f会删除整个目录 2. npm uninstall不会删除被依赖的包。即使显式要删除这个包,但它被依赖不会删除。rm -f会 3. npm uninstall有全局模式,还会删除软链,rm -r只删目录,可能漏掉软链 4. npm uninstall会删除package.json中的dependencies条目,rm -r不会 ...
这是个包,这个包会递归的读取 node_modules 下的包,返回一个排重过的列表。 第二步 加载 package.json 得到理想包列表 通过分析package.json得到列表 loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree 在IdealTree中过滤掉要删除的包,这样就得到两个Tree,一个是 CurrentTree,一个是 IdealTree 第三步 同步CurrentTree和IdealTree 1. 如果C...
Finder will show this location. Find the files or folder with Node in their names and move them into the Trash. Go also to the locations listed below and remove allnodeandnode_modulesfrom there: /usr/local/include/node /usr/local/include/node_modules /usr/local/lib/node /usr/local/lib/...
As you can see on StackOverflow, people are looking for a way to uninstall all node modules in one shot. My reasoning for doing so is that the NTFS (Windows) file system has issues removing directories where the path name is longer than ...
npm uninstall `ls -1 node_modules | tr '/\n' ' '` Here is a screenshot of running the command in Git Bash, on Windows. The command will uninstall all local packages and will then remove them from your package.json file. If you can't get the command to work, it's easier to ...
你可以直接删除 node_modules文件夹,然后修改package.json,然后重新npm install 有用1 回复 青衿: 最后确实是这么干了,但是不明白是什么原因导致了卡死。 回复2017-09-07 xiaodaimeng 211610 发布于 2017-11-14 楼主搞定了吗?我现在也是遇到这个问题,安装完全没问题,就是在卸载的时候报错,后来换了一个node...
It’s also a good idea to delete thenode_modulesdirectory from your project’s directory. This directory contains all of the local packages that your project depends on, and deleting it will remove all of these packages from your project. ...
Set to true to run the command in the context of all configured workspaces.Explicitly setting this to false will cause commands like install to ignore workspaces altogether. When not set explicitly:Commands that operate on the node_modules tree (install, update, etc.) will link workspaces into ...
Then, type the following command to remove the global node_modules directory — rmdir /s /q “%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\npm.”Next, you can delete the Node.js installation directory. If the folder is locked or you don’t have permission, you may need to restart your computer and ...
要卸载以前在本地npm install <package-name>(使用node_modules文件夹中的npm install <package-name>,请运行 代码语言:javascript 复制 npm uninstall<package-name> from the project root folder (the folder that contains the node_modules folder).