Master of Environmental Science 环境科学硕士 Master of Geoscience 地球科学硕士 Master of Urban Horticulture 城市园艺硕士 Master of Science 理学硕士(生物信息学、生物科学、地球科学、化学、数学和统计、物理学) Master of Food and Packaging Innovation 食品与包装创新硕士 Master of Food Science 食品科学硕士 M...
最终,我决定留在墨尔本大学(Unimelb)攻读Master of Data Science(MDS)。虽然墨大的MDS课程设置不算成熟,而且入学门槛相对较低,但我还是想尝试一下。 在申请研究项目时,我经历了一番波折。起初,我对自己的背景和如何申请研究项目感到非常迷茫。经过多次与课程协调员(Course Coordinator)和导师的沟通,我终于找到了方向。
Master of Biotechnology生物技术硕士 Master of Computational Biology计算生物学硕士 Master of Ecosystem Management and Conservation 生态系统管理和保护硕士 Master of Environment 环境硕士 Master of Environmental Science 环境科学硕士 Master of Science Programs 理学硕士课程 Master of Science (Bioinformatics) 理学硕...
Master of Science (Biosciences) 理学硕士(生物科学) Master of Science (Chemistry) 理学硕士(化学) Master of Science (Earth Sciences) 理学硕士(地球科学) Master of Science (Epidemiology) 理学硕士(流行病学) Master of Science (M...
Master of Information Technology and the Master of Computer Science as well as our range of specialised masters programs, The Master of Engineering Management, Master of Engineering Structures, Master of Energy Systems. See below for information on a name change for our one-year Master of Environme...
Master of Data Science intake update数据科学硕士招生更新The University will not be offering a mid-year (semester 2) intake into the Master of Data Science in 2022. If you have students who wish to be considered for 2022, they will need to apply for the 2022 start-year (semester 1) ...
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),简称墨大,始建于1853年,是世界顶尖研究型大学 [1] ,南半球首屈一指的学术重镇,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员,世界30强名校。墨尔本大学坐落于澳大利亚文化,艺术与工业中心——墨尔本(连续多年被联合国评为“世界最宜居城市”)。墨尔本大学是澳洲六所砂岩学府之一,Universitas 21的...
We will also continue offering the following unchanged professional entry courses: Master of Industrial Engineering, Master of Information Systems, Master of Information Technology and the Master of Computer Science as well as our range of specialised masters programs, ...
year1-2学Bachelor of Science/biomedical science的注意啦!科目主要在health science,chemistry, psychology, physiology, physic 方面以下是具体科目:unimelb-Phys20008Psyc20008Chem10003---deakin... 分享3赞 墨尔本大学吧 超级柳荷娜Xh 2018-19年墨尔本大学unimelb新生群331623715【原创】《念世》by风浔, 文案: 她...
We will also continue offering the following unchanged professional entry courses: Master of Industrial Engineering, Master of Information Systems, Master of Information Technology and the Master of Computer Science as well as our range of specialised masters programs, ...