I need to log in to my unimelb account to check my grades. 登录到我的墨尔本大学账户查看成绩。 Can you help me navigate through my unimelb portal? 你能帮我在我的墨尔本大学门户网站上导航吗? I forgot my password for my unimelb email. 我忘了我的墨尔本大学电子邮件密码。...
My Unimelb My Unimelb是墨大为学生们提供的方便生活学习的网页 “中转站”,通过这个网页,还可以快速跳转到墨大其他的网页功能(例如:Email,学校通知,LMS,日历,Stop1等等)。当你成为墨大一员,不能说是每天,可以说是每小时!只要心中有学习有梦想,必定会打开My Unimelb的界面。 官网链接:https://my.unimelb.edu.a...
Python Program to log in to UoM results page periodically and send an email if new results have been released. pythonphantomjsseleniumresultsunimelbpython3-6 UpdatedNov 22, 2017 Python [DEPRECATED] A tool to convert University of Melbourne timetables to iCal, to import into calendar apps. ...
Register: New users could register with an identical username, identical email address and a password. If the username or email address has existed, there will be a warning that tells the user to use another username or email address. email validation: Before registering, the user should enter ...