AB 2000 The Siege of Fort Cumberland 1776 Battles of the American Revolution The Winter Soldiers: The Battles for Trenton and Princeton Decisive Day: The Battle for Bunker Hill The Long Retreat: The Calamitous Defense of New Jersey 1776 Boston: 1775: The Shot Heard Around the World Yorktown,...
In the period of the preparation for the Great October Socialist Revolution and after its victory, the Red Guards wore civilian clothing with a red armband with the inscription “Red Guard.” The revolutionary soldiers and sailors (from 1918, members of the Red Army and Red Navy) wore the ol...
2013. Each costume is a replica of a uniform worn during different historical eras, from the Revolutionary War high collar, or "Leatherneck," to the current camouflage utilities. Each uniform highlights the evolution of the Marine Corps from past to present, while also showing Marines still carry...
Kallen Stadtfeld is a member of the rebellion and becomes one of Zero’s closest allies. She becomes a key player and ace pilot as a member of the Black Knights, the revolutionary army established by Zero. Kallen is a 17-year-old half-Britain/half-eleven, but passes for full-blood Brita...