Learn more about Los Angeles Unified School District here - find all of the schools in the district, student data, test scores, district budget and more.
Los Angeles Unified School District is an above average, public school district located in LOS ANGELES, CA. It has 427,795 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1. According to state test scores, 28% of students are at least proficient in math and 41% in readi...
洛杉矶学区Los Angeles Unified School District 洛杉矶学区Los Angeles Unified School District 美国公立高中F1-洛杉矶-加利福尼亚州 学校概况(美国加利福尼亚州F1公立高中) “今天的学习者,明天的领导者”是洛杉矶学区的校训。拥有约150所高中,洛杉矶学区是加州规模最大、拥有最多元文化的学区。在学校里,除了英语,学生...
school district, Los Angeles, California, United StatesAlso known as: LAUSDLearn about this topic in these articles: Los Angeles In Los Angeles: Education The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second largest public school district in the country, is run by an independent elected ...
As the Career Technical Education Teacher at Gardena High School, part of the Los Angeles Unified School District, Roderick is charged with getting his students ready for life after graduation with transferable skills they can take with them to college or their first employer. The transferable ...
Last week, the Los Angeles Unified School District became the largest in US to approve (批准) a districtwide cellphone ban. For teachers, this is great news. For many kids, it’s less welcome. Parents, meanwhile, are conflicted, caught between wanting their children to learn without distracti...
Presents information on the Los Angeles Unified School District, questioning whether this district has what it takes to educate student population of California. Statistics on the student languages in the district; Reference to the Bilingual Program Survey; What this survey required.Bathen...
Learn how Los Angeles Unified School District, the second largest school district in the UnitedStates used Elevate Data Quality.
洛杉矶联合学区(Los Angeles Unified School District)周二批准了一项全天禁止使用手机的禁令,称这些设备分散了孩子们的学习注意力,损害他们的心理健康,并扼杀了他们的人际关系。 这个拥有40万名学生的学区是美国第二大学校系统。该学区表示,将在明年1月该计划生效后研究实施方法,包括是否强制学生将手机存放在上锁的袋子...
The affirmation of the Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'AA-' reflects the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD, or the district) 'aa' assessment for fin