“If someone were to come up to you in a dark alley and say, 'Psst, wanna see a UML diagram?' that diagram would probably be a class diagram. The majority of UML diagrams I see are class diagrams.”("如果有人在黑暗的小巷向你走来并对你说,想不想看一张uml图,那么这张图很有可能是一...
没想到在这个在家防疫的日子里还会打开上个学期67的课件复习一下UML,反正以后还会用到,先总结一部分 用例图 Use Case Diagrams 描述角色(小人)和功能(椭圆形) 用例图 类图Class Diagrams 图例 由用例图抽象出来的静态结构图,描述类的内部结构 “-”代表成员变量 “+”代表方法 类图 类之间的关系 依赖Dependency 类...
UML 2为了符合模型驱动架构(Model Driven Architecture)的需求做了大幅度的修改除在图形基础上扩充及变化了部份的展现方式外,也增加了一些图形标准元件,比前一版多出了由循序图与互动图所混合而成的互动概图(Interaction Overview Diagram)、强调时间点的时序图(Timing Diagram)与合成结构图(Composite Structure Diagram)...
[1]. Unified Modeling Language (UML) | Class Diagrams - GeeksforGeekshttps://www.geeksforgeeks.org/unified-modeling-language-uml-class-diagrams/ [2]. UML Class Diagrams Tutorial, Step by Step – Salma – Mediumhttps://medium.com/@smagid_allThings/uml-class-diagrams-tutorial-step-by-step-...
Why Software Engineers Use the Unified Modeling Language UML diagrams are one of the most popular software engineering diagrams. When it comes to building new products or systems, there are two key reasons to add UML diagramming to your toolkit. Better Ideation and Collaboration Before developers ...
–ObjectDiagram Behavioraldiagramsshowswhatshouldhappeninasystem.Theydescribehowthe objectsinctwitheachothertocreateafunctioningsystem. –UseCaseDiagram –ActivityDiagram –StateMachineDiagram –SequenceDiagram 9 UnifiedModelingLanguage ClassDiagram ClassDiagram ClassdiagramsarearguablythemostusedUMLdiagramtype.Itisthemai...
UML图的分类: 概述 ①用例图是指由参与者(Actor)、用例(Use Case)以及它们之间的关系构成的用于描述系统功能的视图。 ②类图(Class diagram)是显示了模型的静态结构,特别是模型中存在的类、类的内部结构以及它们与其他类的关系等。类图不显示暂时性信息。
the design to a low level code. By contrast, a technical writer is interested in the behavior of the system as a whole, and needs to understand how the product functions. The UML attempts to provide a language so expressive that all stakeholders can benefit from at least one UML diagram....
统一建模语言 Unified Modeling Language “统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language)是描述、构造和文档化系统产品的可视化语言。” 在上述中,UML的关键点在于可视化;UML是图形化表示法的事实标准,用来描绘和展示与软件相关的体系。 这里不会将UML的各种元素都提到,我只想讲讲类图中各个类之间的...
This chapter is an overview of the syntax and semantics of the UML class and activity diagram constructs. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical language for communicating design specifications for software. The object-oriented software development community created UML to meet the special...