UniFi Advance is the all new bundled triple play service offering that offers High Speed Internet, Voice and HyppTV (IPTV) services for residential customers. UniFi is a High Speed Fibre Broadband (HSBB) service based on the latest fiber optic (fully digital) and Very High Speed DSL (VHDSL...
使用TestFlight App帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在App Store中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch和 iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试的设...
BBC Player Previously, BBC Player is available only to subscribers of unifi TV’s Ultimate pack. Unifi subscribers can now enjoy it for FREE for 30 days. Ryan Shiotani, Vice President, Content, Asia of BBC Studios “More and more viewers are going to online platforms in search of interesting...
请在 App Store 中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch 和iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试的设备。你将能够访问开发者提供的构建版本。 注意:开发者...