11. The munificent donor to many good causes was ready to foreclose on a loan to his son.(The Economist) 词汇搭配 munificent people 词汇来源 "very liberal in giving or bestowing," 1580s, back-formation from munificence, or else from Latin munificent-, stem of munificus "bountiful, lib...
And Vaughan Pratt's top-down operator precedence parsing scheme, which we'll learn about [in due time][pratt]. +堆是另一种[数据结构][heap],而不是[内存管理][heap mem]。还有沃恩-普拉特(Vaughan Pratt)自上而下的运算符优先级解析方案,我们将在[适当的时候][pratt]了解它。 [heap]: https:/...
And Vaughan Pratt's top-down operator precedence parsing scheme, which we'll learn about [in due time][pratt]. +堆是另一种[数据结构][heap],而不是[内存管理][heap mem]。还有沃恩-普拉特(Vaughan Pratt)自上而下的运算符优先级解析方案,我们将在[适当的时候][pratt]了解它。 [heap]: https:/...