Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10:UniFi Controller Software v4.8.15 或更高版本 Mac OS X:UniFi Controller Software v4.8.15 或更高版本 Linux:请在此处搜索适用于您的 Linux 操作系统的发行说明,以确定您的版本是否满足要求。 64 位 Java Google Chrome,Microsoft Edge,Mozilla Firefox,Windows IE 10(或更高版本)...
Chapter2:UsingtheUniFiControllerSoftware...5 InterfaceTabs...5 CommonInterfaceOptions...5 Chapter3:MapTab...15 AddingCustomMaps...
If you are stuck with no technical knowledge aboutUBNT product configurationstart-up then after reading this post you will become an expert of UBNT product. This post will guide you step to step on how to install UniFi Controller software 5.4.16 for windows, mac, Linux and androids platforms....
Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10:UniFi Controller Software v4.8.15 或更高版本 Mac OS X:UniFi Controller Software v4.8.15 或更高版本 Linux:请在此处搜索适用于您的 Linux 操作系统的发行说明,以确定您的版本是否满足要求。 64 位 Java Google Chrome,Microsoft Edge,Mozilla Firefox,Windows IE 10(或更高版本...
Download UniFi Network Controller 5.13.32 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.
往下滚动页面,找到SOFTWARE,单击UniFi Network Application 7.1.68 for Windows右侧的下载按钮,这个也就是Unifi Controller的 Windows 版本,安装到电脑上面。 一般我不会下载最新 Release 的版本,避免出现恶性 BUG。 UniFi Network Application Download 打开软件 ...
Unifi Controller AP Software - Unraid Docker. Contribute to jg-uk/unifi development by creating an account on GitHub.
First, install Docker on the "Docker host" - the machine that will run the Docker and Unifi Controller software. Use any of the guides on the internet to install on your Docker host. For Windows, see theMicrosoft guide for installing Docker. ...
Dream Router Cloud Key Gen2 / Gen2 Plus UNVR / UNVR Pro 集成下一代网关 防火墙和 VPN 支持多款应用程序 * * * 集成4x4 企业级 WiFi6 触控显示屏 适配SmartPower,实现电源冗余 内置存储 128 GB * 128 GB 附加存储 (1) HDD 扩展槽 (1) Micro SD 存储卡 ...
IPv4 Address: Choose whatever address you want to assign to your UniFi Controller Software. IPv4 Netmask: If you don’t know what that is, it’s probably 24. IPv4 Default Router: The IP address of your router/gateway. You can find that out by hitting the Windows key, enter cmd and hit...