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UNIFI NETWORK-SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS Log in from the client with the open portal session -WKB56863 Sto...
The UniFi AP must be physically connected via an Ethernet cable to a network that provides IP addresses using DHCP. How To: 1. Ensure that the UniFi AP is in its factory default state, displaying a solidly white LED. 2. Log into your Ubiquiti community or SSO (Single Sign-On) account ...
InfluxDB 本身只是一套数据库,那么监控数据如何写入呢?Prometheus 会拉取各种 Exporter 暴露出来的 metrics 数据,而 InfluxData 公司则开发了一套整体的TICK 堆栈(类似 ELK:3 个字母分别代表 Elasticsearch、Kibana、Logstash)。其中: Telegraf:一个插件驱动的服务器代理,用于收集和报告指标。Telegraf 插件直接从其运行...
UniFi Network Application8.5.5adds 8.5.5? is it a typo? Villentre 4 months ago 1 @Noldoranwrote: Do the widgets appear/display in a specific order or we can re-arrange them? Specific order: Villentre 4 months ago 0 @Vincent_Tingwrote: ...
4.5. NetworkSite 4.6. Client DPI 5. 讨论分析 下面我就举 2 个例子来说明下数据图表对于了解家里的 Unifi 网络情况到底有什么作用。 5.1. 交换机温度 对于2 代 Pro 系列 & Enterprise 系列的 Unifi 交换机以及 RPS 设备,都是有温度传感器的。我相信绝大多数家用 Unifi 设备的朋友,即便购买了机架式设备,应...
InfluxData 公司则开发了一套整体的TICK 堆栈(类似 ELK:3 个字母分别代表 Elasticsearch、Kibana、Log...
This will log all traffic that matches the match criteria. Allow DHCP: Select "Yes" to allow the matching clients to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. Allow Association: Select "Yes" to allow the matching clients to associate with the network. Accept from: Select the interface(s) ...
Configuration: Configure network settings, SSIDs, VLANs, and other parameters according to your requirements. Monitoring: Monitor network performance, device status, and client activity in real-time. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance tasks such as firmware updates and device backups. FAQCan I ...
Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the Windows System event log.(Windows 检测到IP地址冲突。此网络上的另一台计算机具有与此计算机相同...