The app is optimized for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7 and has built-in support for several international languages.Key Features Centralized Management: Control all UniFi devices from a single interface. Device Configuration: Easily configure network settings, SSIDs, VLANs, and more. Monitoring and...
往下滚动页面,找到SOFTWARE,单击UniFi Network Application 7.1.68 for Windows右侧的下载按钮,这个也就是Unifi Controller的 Windows 版本,安装到电脑上面。 一般我不会下载最新 Release 的版本,避免出现恶性 BUG。 UniFi Network Application Download 打开软件 双击打开UniFi Network Application,单击Launch a Browser to ...
When you mark a network as 'Guest' there are default firewall rules that are applied to isolate that network from other networks. They've basically improved those default rules to be more effective if you using the new Zone-Based Firewall mode. S Stillabeginner 5 days ago 0 Just managed ...
Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。在 Influx ...
More Ubiquitimakes networking devices like switches, gateways (routers) and wireless access points. They have a line of equipment namedUniFithat uses acontrollerto keep stats and simplify network device configuration. This controller can be installed on Windows, macOS and Linux. Ubiquiti also provides...
Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。 在Influx 模式下,Unifi Poller 每 30 秒轮询一次 Unifi 控制器数据并导出到 InfluxDB 数据库。(相当于一个 Telegraf Unifi Input plugin) 在Prometheus 模式下,Unifi Poller 开放一个 Web 端口并接受 Prometheus 拉取,动...
Breaking change Proposed change Add switch entities for unifi traffic rules. This is branched from ViViDboarder's PR with fixes and implementations for the suggestions in that PR. I know what it's like to have a newborn and how time slips away. It's al
The problem When a Unifi AP has an update available, it shows up in the updates UI. The 'install' button works, but there's no indication an update is in progress, the install button remains active, and the updating device remains in the...
4.5. NetworkSite 4.6. Client DPI 5. 讨论分析 下面我就举 2 个例子来说明下数据图表对于了解家里的 Unifi 网络情况到底有什么作用。 5.1. 交换机温度 对于2 代 Pro 系列 & Enterprise 系列的 Unifi 交换机以及 RPS 设备,都是有温度传感器的。我相信绝大多数家用 Unifi 设备的朋友,即便购买了机架式设备,应...
Network Ports & Connectors 1 x RJ-45 PoE 2.5 Gigabit LAN Port Radio Technology 2x2 MU-MIMO`` Frequency 2.4GHz; 5.0GHz, 6.0GHz Maximum Range Indoors 1,500 square feet (140 square meters) Networking Specifications Wireless Technology WiFi 4 (802.11n) WiFi 5 (802.11ac) WiFi ...