While some advanced features may require additional investment, its overall value and performance make it a top choice for network administrators seeking seamless network management solutions.Also Available: Download UniFi Network Server for Mac Download UniFi Network Controller 5.13.32...
sudo wget-O/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/unifi-repo.gpg https://dl.ui.com/unifi/unifi-repo.gpg 4 安装UniFi Network Controller 为避免Java兼容性问题,执行以下命令阻止Ubuntu在安装过程中自动安装Java 11。 sudo apt-mark hold openjdk-11-* image.png 安装 sudo apt-getupdate&&sudo apt-getinstall unifi-y...
由于新设备环境有可能会没有互联网,所以我一般是在笔记本电脑中安装 Windows 版本 UniFi Network Application,先在本地环境将整个 WiFi 网络都搭建起来之后,再进行一次站点迁移,迁移到我自己搭建在 Amazon Lightsail 上的 Unifi Controller。 下载软件 官网下载地址:Ubiquiti - Downloads 往下滚动页面,找到SOFTWARE,单击Un...
Chapter2:UsingtheUniFiControllerSoftware...5 InterfaceTabs...5 CommonInterfaceOptions...5 Chapter3:MapTab...15 AddingCustomMaps...
About UniFi Network Server UniFi Network Server (formerly UniFi Network Controller) is a professional device manager tool that enables owners of Ubiquiti hardware devices to easily manage them remotely and access a wide array of diagnostic and visualization tools. UniFi Network is a powerful network ...
UniFi Network - 3 层采用https://help.ui.com.cn/articles/204909754/ docker下unifi控制器设备采集问题终于解决https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/602750770 NAS Docker 上建立 UniFi Controllerhttps://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/360601696 照着这几个教程折腾几天还是没搞定,之后转换思路先在本地安装unifi控制器采用后,...
Installing the UniFi Network Controller 11. Finally, now that everything is in place, we can install the UniFi controller to Ubuntu by using the following command. With this command, the apt package manager will download UniFi from the official repository that we added in an earlier step. su...
Docker hub :https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/unifi-controller 控制器的网页和手机端界面设计还是比较现代简洁风的,个人觉得挺好看,信息很多,但不乱。 我2 年前给我的一个朋友在他的 UNRAID 服务器上搭建了一个 UniFi 控制器 Docker 容器,目前已经稳定运行 2 年了,没有进行过任何维护。不过 UniFi 控制...
When upgrading to newer version (e.g. going from the 5.6 to 5.7 branch) it is good practice to perform a backup before. You can use the UniFi Controller app to perform such a backup (under Settings -> Maintenance and click the "Download Backup" button). Make sure your backup is handy...