1.1用SFTP连接服务器 Ubuntu Server可以用ssh远程管理SecureCRT的SFTP功能来实现上下传文件,简单可靠。 可以在File菜单里找到对应的选项: 1.2使用“PUT 文件名”的方式上传要装的新版本到Ubuntu Server sftp> put unifi_sysvinit_all.deb Uploading unifi_sysvinit_all.deb to /home/xxxxxx/unifi_sysvinit_all.deb 1...
3 添加GPG Keys wget-qO-https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-3.4.asc | sudo apt-key add -echo"deb https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse"|sudo tee/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.listsudo apt-get update Method A sudo wget-O/etc/apt/tru...
8. We can now install the final piece of software we require to install and run the UniFi controller on Ubuntu. This final piece of software is called “MongoDB” and is the database server that UniFi requires. You can install the MongoDB server to Ubuntu by running the command below in...
ubnt官方已有windows/mac os上的控制器安装包,但是想用手机app登陆并控制家里网络就必须要保持AC实时在线,ubnt也有基于linux系统的安装包(CentOS、ubuntu等)也推荐使用VPS云部署unifi controller。大神们也开发了unifi controller的docker镜像,目前主要由两个: jacobalberty/unifi linuxserver/unifi-controller unifi control...
--- version: "2.1" services: unifi-controller: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-controller container_name: unifi-controller environment: - PUID=501 - PGID=20 - MEM_LIMIT=1024M #optional - MEM_STARTUP=1024M #optional volumes: - /Users/boweic/docker/unifi-controller/config:/config ports: ...
About Run a Unifi Controller based on Ubuntu. Big, heavy, mostly secure and a bit slow (thanks Canonical). ui.com Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 3 stars Watchers 3 watching Forks 1 fork Report repository ...
We are installing 4.4 as this is currently the only supported release for the UniFi Controller that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi. wget https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu/dists/focal/mongodb-org/4.4/multiverse/binary-arm64/mongodb-org-server_4.4.18_arm64.deb -O mongodb.debCopy 9...
Good article. As an fyi for anyone… I am coming off of a Ubuntu OS device with the controller, where the $100 device died. I had controller backups on a small memory card and an old mac mini, but it too as a poster stated, have 10.15.7 (Catalina). Has anyone have this solution...
sudoapt-getinstalldocker.io# 在Debian/Ubuntu系统中安装Docker 1. 步骤2:拉取Unifi控制器镜像 Docker镜像是一个可执行的包,包含了运行某个软件所需的所有内容。我们要拉取Unifi控制器的镜像。 dockerpull jacobalberty/unifi# 从Docker Hub拉取Unifi控制器的官方镜像 ...
本文主要实现通过KeaDHCPServer下发AC(UniFi Controller)信息给Ubnt AP, Kea DHCP是由ISC推出的新品种开源DHCP Server,与传统ISC DHCP Server比较主要添加了ipv6的支持,不过目前可参考的资料较少,设备厂商一般不会对Kea DHCP进行配置的说明。 主要参考Ubnt官方文档中ISC的相关文档: ...