Ubiquiti_UniFi_Controller_software_使用说明书手册.pdf,Enterprise WiFi System Controller Release Version: 3.2 ® UniFi Controller User Guide Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 1: System Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
在Docker环境下升级Unifi控制器到最新版本 #Unifi分享家 #unifi #ubnt #优倍快#docker @Ubiquiti优倍快 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬由于今年年初,linuxserver.io团队已经弃用旧版的unifi-controller的Docker镜像,所以最终版本维持在8.0.24,一些Unifi用户的新款U7设备可能无法被该版本的控制器接管。后续...
--- version: "2.1" services: unifi-controller: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-controller:latest container_name: unifi-controller environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Etc/UTC - MEM_LIMIT=1024 #optional - MEM_STARTUP=1024 #optional volumes: - /path/to/data:/config ports: - 8443...
http://fellownerd.org/2021/unifi-controller-docker/ so after testing this is what i came up with, which successfully deploys. Code:Select all version: "2.4" services: unifi-controller: image: ghcr.io/linuxserver/unifi-controller container_name: unifi-controller environment: - PUID=1000 - PG...
12. At this point, you will finally have the UniFi controller up and running on your Ubuntu device. Over the next section we will show you how to access this interface and go through the initial setup steps. Using the UniFi Controller Web Interface Within this section, we will be showing...
See:https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2023-09-06-unifi-controllerfor more information. The webui is athttps://ip:8443, setup with the first run wizard. For Unifi to adopt other devices, e.g. an Access Point, it is required to change the inform IP address. Because Unifi runs inside...
If you prefer not to use a Ubiquiti account on your controller, click the “Advanced Setup” link and follow the prompts (2.). 14. At this point, you should now have access to the UniFi network controller web interface. However, before you can start adopting your Ubiquiti network devices...
1 UniFi 5.4.16 Controller for Mac 2 UniFi 5.4.16 Controller for Windows 3 UniFi 5.4.16 Controller for Debian/Ubuntu Linux 4 UniFi EDU for iOS 5 UniFi EDU for Android Ubiquiti AP Controller Setup &Installation in Windows After Downloading UniFi 5.4.16 from UBNT website double click on the ...
Docker-UniFi-Controller: 搭建与管理UniFi网络控制器的利器项目地址:https://gitcode.com/linuxserver/docker-unifi-controller![Docker-UniFi-Controller](https://gitcode.net/linuxserver/docker-unifi-controller/m/master thu Docker docker linux 转载
Open a browser and openhttp://[IP.OF.YOUR.NVR]:7080and login with the credentials you specified the first time you've opened the controller. When you haven't done this yet, follow the steps as explained in the wizard you should see. ...