前言 之前折腾过Unifi/Ubiquiti/优倍快全家桶,不知不觉就过去一年了。这一年闲下来就断断续续地折腾,...
在在WinBox里选择Bridge,切换到Ports,新建个在默认Bridge上Port,选择刚刚建好的Interface: 二、准备存储介质并安装Unifi controller 准备一个USB存储介质,Ubiquiti官方建议的存储空间是大于20G,实测下来可能是需要的,插上ROS后,先格式化,在Winbox里选择System/Disks,然后格式化即可,确保Name为disk1,FS建议用ext4: 在WinBo...
- Console Ports填的是禁止访问的网关端口,如80、443、22等# 其它场景## Unifi Controller + AP- 不买Unifi的路由器和交换机,直接使用AP也是可以的,同样支持全屋漫游,- 但是需要自己找台设备安装Unifi Controller软件,支持Docker安装,或者下载Win和Mac的软件,配置完毕后可关闭Controller软件,不影响所有AP的运行- ...
所以可以在云上安装UniFi Network Application,也就是Unifi Controller。这个云也包含私有云和公有云。 私有云 比如你家中有一台支持Docker功能的Synology/QNAP的NAS,你可以在里面使用 Docker 运行 Unifi Controller 容器,或者很多朋友家里有软路由,平时只跑一台 OpenWRT 虚拟机,也可以使用多余的资源跑一台Ubuntu虚拟机...
Console Ports填的是禁止访问的网关端口,如80、443、22等 其它场景 Unifi Controller + AP 不买Unifi的路由器和交换机,直接使用AP也是可以的,同样支持全屋漫游, 但是需要自己找台设备安装Unifi Controller软件,支持Docker安装,或者下载Win和Mac的软件,配置完毕后可关闭Controller软件,不影响所有AP的运行 ...
Ports used by the UniFi Controller: The ports which are not exposed by the container image are marked as such. When not specified, assume the port is exposed. 3478/udp: STUN service (for NAT traversal - WebRTC, SIP, etc.) - I'm not sure for which purpose exactly Ubiquiti uses that ...
services: unifi: user: unifi image: ghcr.io/jacobalberty/unifi-docker container_name: unifi-controller restart: unless-stopped ports: - "8080:8080" - "8443:8443" - "3478:3478/udp" - "10001:10001/udp" environment: TZ: "<TIMEZONE>" volumes: - ./data:/unifiCopy 8. Once you have wr...
Set the Assignment to Static and click Save Finally, we need to open the ports necessary to run the controller. In order to do this, we’ll need to add inbound port rules: Go back to Networking, and then click on the “Add inbound port rule” button: ...
---version:"2.1"services:unifi-controller:image:lscr.io/linuxserver/unifi-controller:latestcontainer_name:unifi-controllerenvironment: -PUID=1000-PGID=1000-TZ=Etc/UTC-MEM_LIMIT=1024#optional-MEM_STARTUP=1024#optionalvolumes: -/path/to/data:/configports: -8443:8443-3478:3478/udp-10001:10001/udp...
Use the following command to install the “wget“, “gpg“, “openjdk-17-jre-headless“, and “havegd” packages to Ubuntu. sudo apt install curl haveged gpg openjdk-17-jre-headlessCopy curl –We will be using curl to download the GPG keys for both MongoDB and the UniFi controller to...