Chapter2:UsingtheUniFiControllerSoftware...5 InterfaceTabs...5 CommonInterfaceOptions...5 Chapter3:MapTab...15 AddingCustomMaps...
apt-get update; apt-get install ca-certificates wget -y 复制代码 3.一键安装UniFi Controller Ubunt...
Instead, you can install the UniFi network controller to any supported operating system such as Ubuntu. Please note that you will run the following steps within the Ubuntu terminal. If you run a desktop flavor of Ubuntu, you can open the terminal quickly by pressing CTRL + ALT + T on ... ... pplication 2nd, jacobalberty's unifi controller docker is outdated and is affected by a critical issue. he is a bit slow on updating, so i don't using his docker image i posted a guide how to install linuxserver's latest actively maintained...
8. To use the UniFi Controller on your Raspberry Pi, we will need to install MongoDB. This is the database server that UniFi uses to store all of its data. As we can’t rely on the package repository, we will need to follow some additional steps. For this first step, we will down...
Install unifi controller on CentOS 分类: Linux , Network 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 Amonw's Weblog 粉丝- 5 关注- 0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: Windows 7 防火墙对Virtualbox guest的影响 » ...
在Docker环境下升级Unifi控制器到最新版本 #Unifi分享家 #unifi #ubnt #优倍快#docker @Ubiquiti优倍快 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬由于今年年初,linuxserver.io团队已经弃用旧版的unifi-controller的Docker镜像,所以最终版本维持在8.0.24,一些Unifi用户的新款U7设备可能无法被该版本的控制器接管。后续...
---version:"2.1" -PUID=1000-PGID=1000-TZ=Etc/UTC-MEM_LIMIT=1024#optional-MEM_STARTUP=1024#optionalvolumes: -/path/to/data:/configports: -8443:8443-3478:3478/udp-10001:10001/udp...
Contribute to linuxserver-archive/docker-unifi-controller development by creating an account on GitHub. 第二步: 在Ubuntu 上下载和安装 .deb 方法介绍: 实施 下载: wget 安装 dpkg -i unifi_sysvinit_all.deb ...