Google Cloud Monitoring Graphite InfluxDB Jaeger Loki Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)MySQL OpenTSDB Pos...
通过UniFi Network 移动应用程序采用设备 如果您的网络应用程序托管在 UniFi Dream Machine 梦想机、UniFi Dream Machine 梦想机 Pro 或 UniFi Cloud Key 上,您可以通过 UniFi Network 移动应用程序采用新设备。 1. 启动 UniFi Network 移动应用程序,然后选择要采用该设备的 UniFi OS 控制台。 2. 转到设备页面并找...
同时,提供了 12 个 Grafana 面板,6 个属于 InfluxDB,另外 6 个属于 Prometheus。 Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。 在Influx 模式下,Unifi Poller 每 30 秒轮询一次 Unifi 控制器数据并导出到 InfluxDB 数据库。(相当于一个 Telegraf Unifi Input plug...
同时,提供了 12 个 Grafana 面板,6 个属于 InfluxDB,另外 6 个属于 Prometheus。 Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。 在Influx 模式下,Unifi Poller 每 30 秒轮询一次 Unifi 控制器数据并导出到 InfluxDB 数据库。(相当于一个 Telegraf Unifi Input plug...
(routers) and wireless access points. They have a line of equipment namedUniFithat uses acontrollerto keep stats and simplify network device configuration. This controller can be installed on Windows, macOS and Linux. Ubiquiti also provides a dedicated hardware device called aCloudKeythat runs the...
Google Cloud Monitoring Graphite InfluxDB Jaeger Loki Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) MySQL OpenTSDB PostgreSQL Prometheus Tempo Testdata Zipkin 2.3. Unifi Poller 那么上面铺垫了那么多,跟监控Unifi又有什么关系呢?是这样的,由于 Prometheus 官网的Exporters页面并无适配 Unifi 的 Exporter,同样的 Telegraf 官网的...
Google Cloud Monitoring Graphite InfluxDB Jaeger Loki Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)MySQL OpenTSDB Pos...
For users with a Gen1 CloudKey, or those self-hosting the UniFi Network Server on a Windows/macOS/Linux machine, please seeNetwork Application Backups. Automated Cloud Backups IfRemote Managementis enabled, a cloud backup of your UniFi Console will be automatically generated each week and prior...
StationCloud/NOC2 1Pleasereferto“WirelessUplinks”onpage39forsettingupwireless-linkedAPs. 2AllUniFiAPssupportoff-sitemanagementcontrollers. Chapter1:SystemSetupSystemRequirements •Linux,Mac OS X,orMicrosoftWindows7/8 ® TheUniFiControllerisawirelessnetworkmanagement ...
If you still have suspected database issues please migrate to aCloudKey Gen2 PlusorDream Machine Pro. These UniFi Consoles do not experience this type of database corruption. Repairing a Windows Database Visit theMongoDB official download website, and download the .zip release that corres...