而且,楼猪在升级控制器的时候发现一个坑,Unifi控制器里面竟然有2种“固件”,一个叫CLOUD KEY FIRMWARE,另一个叫CLOUD KEY CONTROLLER。然后问题就来了,到底哪种版本要一致?作为楼猪这种不动脑子的主,最简单粗暴的方法当然就是,都升级到一致啦!为了方便区分,楼猪就叫Firmware是固件,Controller是软件。后来在网上爬...
Ubiquiti UniFi Cloud Key Gen2(UCK-G2/UCK-G2-Plus)2.5.11固件下载,UniFi OS - Cloud Keys Gen2 2.5.11早期买的UCK-G2用户,从1.x升级到最新(当前是4.X)时中间要经过几个过渡版本才可以,路径是:1.x --> 2.1.11 --> 2.5.11 --> 3.0.13由于在线更新有时非...,
UniFi Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro) 开箱 UDM Pro是一款功能相当强大的设备,也是一体式多合一的企业安全闸道、网路管理设备、监控系统以及即将未来支援接入VoIP电话…等许多功能,很适合用于商用、中小企业来取代UniFi Cloud Key Gen 2换来完整Pro功能,足够处理您的公司所有网路需求。 开箱啰~就那么大一箱子盒子,非...
timeout 60 put /固件的絕對路徑/固件文件名.bin 文件將開始傳輸,固件升級完成後,設備將自動重啟,請不要自行重啟。 Cloud Key Cloud Key Gen2、Gen2 Plus Cloud Key(第一代) 監控攝像頭 從監控攝像頭上拔下 PoE 網線。 按住Reset 按孔,然後將監控攝像頭重新連接 PoE 網線。 繼續按住 Reset 按孔至少 10 ...
Welcome to the CloudKey Plus! * NOTICE ** * By logging in to, accessing, or using any Ubiquiti product, you are * * signifying that you have read our Terms of Service (ToS) and End User * * License Agreement (EULA), understand their terms, and agree to be * ...
UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 (UCK G2), firmware version 2.0.24 or higher UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus (UCK G2 Plus), firmware version 2.0.24 or higher UniFi Cloud Console, detailshere UniFi Express (UX) The class automatically detects UniFi OS consoles and adjusts the URLs and several functions/...
The UniFi app simplifies home and business IT by providing a central management interface where you can easily scale, monitor, and optimize every aspect of your…
Update on Cloudkey Gen2 went smoothly. Over the last few updates things have only been getting better for me. I greatly appreciate the now all inclusive Dark Mode and vertical topology along with STP Priority warnings. Absolutely love the adjustable columns (long similar named APs were a pain...
UniFi Cloud Key Gen2 Plus (CKGP) firmware version v2.0.24+ Ubiquity released V2.0.24 as an official firmware release for the CloudKey+, and it is recommended that people upgrade to this UniFiOS based firmware for their CloudKey+, as this gives a much better realtime experience. ...
But what if my backups have a an newer, incompatible, firmware version than what the cloud key reset to? 😱 This happened to me. The reset put me on an older ubiquiti firmware version than the cloud key backups somehow. To use the backups you need to upgrade your cloud key firmware...