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7. Click Add a new bill payment payee 8. Find TM and Unifi 9. Click remove 10. Confirm deleted existing registered payee To make payments to your TM and Unifi bills, please take the following steps: To make payment via JomPAY: Log in to Online Banking Click JomPAY Bill Payment Click ‘...
3. Click "Bill Payment" 4. Click "Make a one-off payment' 5. Select Payees by Category Utilities and "continue' 6. Select Telekom Malaysia Berhad "Telephone & Multimedia" or "Streamyx" or "UniFi" 7. Key in TM Account Number and "continue" ...
billcustomersusingmajorcreditcardsorothersupported methods.YoumustalsoselectGuestPolicyunderSettings WirelessNetworkswireless_network_nameEdit WirelessConfigurationsinordertoenforcevoucherentry, payment,andselectionoftheTermsofUsebytheguest. See“GuestPolicy”onpage9formoreinformation. ...