After installing UniFi Network Server on your Windows PC and logging into the Ubiquity online service using your username and password, you will find out that this network management suite does not have its own standalone app window, but is instead accessible via your web browser. The interface...
After installing UniFi Network Server on your Windows PC and logging into the Ubiquity online service using your username and password, you will find out that this network management suite does not have its own standalone app window, but is instead accessible via your web browser. The interface...
Enjoy the best online experience as never before compare to TMnet Streamyx. Watch Youtube videos in peace, you can watch High Definition videos without buffering. Download huge files within fraction of the time you need previously, run Windows updates 20X* faster than before (TMnet Streamyx). ...
Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。在 Influx ...
sudo apt-get install unifi Download UniFi Controller for Mac UniFi Controller for Windows UniFi Controller for Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) Zipped Package is also provide for DIYers. See readme.txt for details.) unifi_sh_api(shell library)...
UniFi 官方提供了软控制器软件,有 windows 版,也有 Debian/Linux 版的,可以自行安装。不过 Windows 版官网最后更新止于 5.14.23,后续版本只有 Linux/Debian 的。Linux/Debian 版本适合 UniFi 自家的硬控制器,用 SSH 连接控制器,用命令行安装程序,这方面我曾在张大妈家写过一篇文章介绍。
Secure access to multicloud and multiplatform environments with Microsoft Entra admin center.
Miru App is an application written in Flutter for watching movies, comics, and novels. It supports Windows, Android, and Linux. It has friendly support for writing extensions and debugging logs. It also supports custom extension repositories. The official extension repository provides video sources,...
"Copilot in Windows","New 7":"Microsoft 365","New 8":"Windows 11 apps","Store tab":"Microsoft Store","Store 1":"Account Profile","Store 2":"Download Center","Store 3":"Microsoft Store Support","Store 4":"Returns","Store 5":"Order tracking","Store 6":"Certifi...
Unifi Poller 基于 Go 语言开发,可以运行在 Windows、macOS、FreeBSD、Linux 或 Docker 下。 在Influx 模式下,Unifi Poller 每 30 秒轮询一次 Unifi 控制器数据并导出到 InfluxDB 数据库。(相当于一个 Telegraf Unifi Input plugin) 在Prometheus 模式下,Unifi Poller 开放一个 Web 端口并接受 Prometheus 拉取,动...