this was on a UAP-AC-PRO(broadcom; FCC ID:SWX-UAPAC; console claimed it was v2)... I know this is not the originals posters exact ap, but I want to post this somewhere as it might help as I believe they use the same firmware 1)
rpmkey isn't fussy, and the CLI will let you ruin this database if you're not careful, safe in the knowledge that a factory reset will fix it. Damaging the rbd/bsp can brick your AP, so the CLI only lets a very few commands through and santizes their arguments. bugmen0t said:...
# upgrade http://ip-of-controller:8080/dl/firmware/BZ2/version-of-ap-see-ref-table-below/firmware.bin# 2. make sure the AP is in factory default state# if it's not, do# restore-default# 3. ssh into the device and typemca-cli# the CLI interface:set-...
Which, to be fair, if we were all FCC license holders, part of that license is the antenna's physical location. What I haven't found is if you have to create an account or if the AP just transmits its location to an API and gets a response that way. That would be my preferred...