3.UBNT UniFi全系AP参数对比一览表 4.UBNT UniFi网关家族参数对比一览表 5.UniFi 控制器设置教程 6.将UniFi 控制器语言设为中文 7.UBNT UniFi Protect家族参数对比一览表 8.UniFi Cloud Key控制器设置教程 9.NAS上安装UniFi控制器完全教程 10.UniFi UDM-PRO旁路控制器设置完全教程 ...
AP重置后亮白色灯,以独立模式配置,进入管理页面后看不到设置SSID和密码的选项,只有upgrade firmware按钮。求助大神指教!!!感谢!!! 馨730 12-5 0 UNIFI 控制器如何删除自建的站点(site)? louis000000008 UNIFI 控制器(版本软AC )如何删除自建的站点(site)? 新建了一个站点想删除 没找到地方。。。
usetoconnecttothewirelessnetwork.Note:TheUniFiAP-ACdoesnotsupportLoad Balancingfortheinitialrelease,butitwillwitha -WPA-EnterpriseWPAEnterpriseusesaRADIUS futurefirmwareupgrade. servertoauthenticateusersonthewirelessnetwork. LegacySupportBydefault,legacydevices,suchas ...
Ubiquiti UAP-AC-PRO has positioned it in such as way that it manages to create a ring of light: the LED will be solid blue when the AP is working properly and, if it will quickly flash blue, then the device is upgrading the firmware; a solid white LED indicates that the AP is not...
UAP-AC/UAP-AC-Outdoor no longer report invalid RSSI values. Improve the device/controller connection reliability on all models. Fixed a multicast forwarding bug on UAP-AC and UAP-AC-Outdoor. Reportedhere. Fixed connection problem with PS4/XboxOne with 3.2.11 AP firmware on UAP-AC and UAP-...
Moved AP to another Port We tried Disabled EEE energy saving Rebooted the switch Rolled AP back to previous firmware version When the gi7 Port goes down we are losing POE and the AP is rebooting. So this is not just a log issue, we are experiencing actual onsite issues. ...
Emulate AP-Pro, AP-AC-Pro or AP-AC-HD for dual-band models, AP-LR for single 2.4GHz, AP-OD5 for single 5GHz Do NOT support wireless uplinking Report client statistics L3 adoption Router configuration Basic settings (IP address, DHCP, port fowards, etc) Static routes VLANs Initially onl...
'firmwareStatus', 'downlink', 'uplink', 'dailyUsage']}, 'insights/wifiScanner': {'sortBy': 'apCount', 'isAscending': False, 'initialColumns': ['apCount', 'essid', 'bssid', 'security', 'radio', 'signal', 'channel', 'band', 'bw', 'oui', 'date', 'ap_mac'], 'columns':...
If you do an Ethernet AD-HOC connection without DHCP you will get the IP for the AP and just manually change your IP as needed (I used The new firmware gave me a nice warning that my AP was running in a degraded state because it was not getting enough...
The UniFi Dream Machine can work with thisUniFi AP BeaconHD(left) to create a mesh network. UniFi Dream Machine: Hardware specifications The UDM has one of the most powerful hardware specs I’ve seen. It runs a 1.7 GHz quad‑core processor, one of the beefiest on the market. ...