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The following convention should be used for specifying whether a trunktracker is Rebanding capable or not; YES - means that the scanner's firmware can be modified (or in the case of the HP model scanners, data downloaded from the database) to support rebanding. Note that the XT models ...
GPS with red-light camera alerts for added safety Free GPS database updates to keep alerts current Quiet ride feature with user-set speed auto mute Color OLED display for clear visibility K false filter to reduce false alerts KA false filter to minimize unnecessary notifications ...
Added support for Unden BCD536HP and BCD436HP UnidensNew "Home Patrol Units" CHECK IT OUT - CLICK HERE If you are an avid Scanner Buff, then you will be upgrading almost every time you buy a newer scanner. By buying our :Lifetime Upgrade option, you will save money the very first ti...
CB Radio Mini External Speaker -150V Ham for HF VHF UHF Shipping, arrivesin 3+ days Full Band FM/AM Pointer Pocket Portable Good Fidelity Elderly W 908 Vehicle Scanner $14.08 current price $14.08 +$2.99 shipping Full Band FM/AM Pointer Pocket Portable Good Fidelity Elderly W 908 Vehicle ...
great buying experience AND after the sale assistance. 8500 X50 hard wired, functions as voltage guage between alerts, not easily noticed looking in from outside (manual here). Beartracker BCT-12 scanner (manual here). Or to run a wire to the fuse box and use a tap as detailed HERE. ...
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