李哥V5!据意大利媒体《 il Sole 24 Ore》的消息,米兰俱乐部将在美国对冲基金埃利奥特公司的担保下发行了1.23亿欧 分享1971 罗马吧 totti552200 【官方公告】森西家族与Unicredit协议细节 意大利时间7月8日深夜,罗马俱乐部在官方网站公布与Unicredit的商谈结果,森西家族与Unicredit达成协议,以下是协议的主要 分享7赞 罗马吧...
UniCredit has been given until the end of the year to raise its capital ratios and come into line with the “new normal” equity requirements set by Italian authorities. According to two people briefed on the matter, finance minister Giulio Tremonti and Bank of Italy governor Mario Draghi have...
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