遇到“encoding with 'idna' codec failed (unicodeerror: label empty or too long)”这样的错误时,通常是在尝试将一个域名或类似的字符串使用IDNA(Internationalized Domain Names in Applications)编码时出现了问题。IDNA编码用于将国际化域名(包含非ASCII字符的域名)转换为ASCII字符串,以便在DNS等系统中使用。这个错...
In both cases i receive this error Encoding with ‘idna’ codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long)This is Stack overflow link where i posted. But i could post the same here maybe? stackoverflow.com How to solve django encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError:...
for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags): UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long)
thread_result.set(func(*args,**kwargs))UnicodeError:encodingwith'idna'codecfailed(UnicodeError:label empty or too long) 可以看到gethostbyaddr错误信息,可能是获取系统的主机名失败,我们尝试修改一个主机名 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 修改系统的主机名 hostnamectl set-hostname 主机名 # 重启系统生效 reboot...
需要抓取url大概为12000个左右,Pyspider报错, 报错提示: UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label empty or too long) 这该如何解决,我刚刚接触这个框架的爬虫,不是很了解,还有个问题是,这个框架可以通过python脚本来调用吗?pythonpyspider ...
app[web.1]: raise UnicodeError("label empty or too long") app[web.1]: UnicodeError: label empty or too long app[web.1]: app[web.1]: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: app[web.1]: app[web.1]: Traceback (most recent call last): app[web.1]...
raise UnicodeError("label too long") UnicodeError: label too long The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeError: encoding with 'idna' codec failed (UnicodeError: label too long) ...
Kindly, attach the output of the following commands while creating a new support request. lsb_release -a : 16.04 ee -v : 3.7.4 or 3.7.5 ee info wp --allow-root --info Cannot run any ee command. I get "encoding with 'idna' codec failed (U...