IndowebMurasoliWebulagamThinathanthiDinamaniThinaboomiAnjalThatstamil(LIBI)Amudham/DinakaranMylaiVikatan(old)TabTam(kumudam/vikatan)BaminiTSCRomanisedkoelnanu Graphics (Pallavar)nakkeeran(senthamizh)Ç Bamini(TypewriterStyle)Tscii StyleTab(TN Style)Unicode(Future Style)...
This Krutidev to Unicode converter tool was developed by Anunad Singh and Narayan Prasad. It provides the facility to convert both ways; i.e. from Krutidev to Unicode as well as Unicode to Krutidev. If you have any legacy text typed in Krutidev font, and you want to put it on the ...
The Microprocessor can also take in a microphone input (5.8) through an internal A/D converter, and output an analog signal for driving a speaker (5.9). It can also drive a Buzzer (5.11) While particular embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, it will be obvious to th...