Image Text Extractor Color Converter Unit Converter Unix Time Converter Delete Duplicate lines Line Numbering Line Prefix/Suffix Replace New Line to Delimiter Delimiter to New Line Extract Shuffle Text Similarity Reverse Count Words Count Letters Case Converter Uppercase Case Con...
Unicode Converter enables you to easily convert Unicode characters in UTF-16, UTF-8, and UTF-32 formats to their Unicode and decimal representations. In addition, you can percent encode/decode URL parameters and encode text to Base64.The Unicode converter doesn't automatically add spaces between...
Font Changer Online is a tool that allows you to write stylish text on Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Discord, and Skype. Apart from these platforms, you can use this tool as a cool nickname generator. You can make your nickname more interesting in games such as PUBG, CS: GO,...
Text Encode Converter是一款精心打造的专业级Unicode字符编码转换工具,专为追求极致编码转换效率的你而生。作为你的私人编码助手,它能够将各种Unicode字符轻松转换成所需的各种格式代码,覆盖从文本到php、xml、html文件的广泛范围。支持批量处理功能,让你的工作事半功倍。现在,就让小编带你深入了解这款令人兴奋的编码神...
An efficient solution to converting a massive amount of text files to Unicode including UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 with just a click of your mouse.
Input Unicode-String/Text (Typing and Get the Result Immediately [WYSIWYG] via Ajax API calls)Unicode-String-to-ASCII Converter! 你好!ASCII OutputDelimiter =85 110 105 99 111 100 101 45 83 116 114 105 110 103 45 116 111 45 65 83 67 73 73 32 67 111 110 118 101 114 116 101 114 ...
使用javascript unicode escape/unescape 函数将文本字符解码或编码为 unicode 实体,反之亦然。 怎么运行的? 只需将要编码或解码的文本粘贴到提供的字段中 单击“解码”或“编码” 该工具将立即生成结果文本 示例:从 %u0639%u0631%u0628%u0649 或 \u0639\u0631\u0628\u0649 到 Ëðى ...
Unicode character symbols table with escape sequences & HTML codes.Mouse click on character to get code: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H ... README MIT license txt2pdf Text to PDF converter with Unicode support. This is a Python 2 / 3 script using theReportLabmodule for generating PDF documents. It is intended to be used with monospace True Type fonts. It can be hacked for being used with Type 1 Postscript fonts...
Unifier is a Unicode Converter which converts Text or HTML files to Unicode in UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoding. Features include auto-update of HTML character-set Meta Tag, converting HTML character and numeric entity to raw unicode character, converting betwee