[2]Wikipedia - Unicode block [3]Wikipedia - List of Unicode characters [4]Wikipedia - Unicode symbols [5]Wikipedia - Arrow (symbol) [6]Wikipedia - Geometric Shapes [7]Wikipedia - Miscellaneous Symbols [8]Wikipedia - Dingbat [9]FileFormat.Info - Unicode Blocks [A]Wikipedia - Unicode font [...
你可以在Unicode 15.1 Character Code Charts或List of Unicode Symbols中找到所有的 Unicode 字符。 Unicode 编码方式 Unicode 采用字符平面对字符进行编码,每个字符占用 16~21 位。简单来说,就是不同字符在不同的编码空间,以下是几个常见的编码空间: 基本多文种平面(0x0000~0xFFFF),如基本拉丁文(比如英文字母、阿...
plane 0,Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP), U+0000 ~ U+FFFF,包含 latin-1(U+0000~U+00FF), general script, punctuation, symbols,CJK, Hangul, Surrogate(U+D800~U+DFFF), Private-use(U+E000~U+F8FF, 6400 个 code points), compatibility and specials (U+F900~U+FFFF) plane 1,Supplementary Multil...
Once you get started with Unicode, the fun never stops. I spent way too much time exploring the many icons that are part of the DejaVu font (complete list). There I found icons for playing card suits, astrological signs, arrows, bullets, musical symbols, geometric shapes, and a whole hos...
Unicode is an International character encoding standard that includes different languages, scripts and symbols. Each letter, digit or symbol has its own unique Unicode value. Unicode is an extension of ASCII that allows many more characters to be represented....
Song Jin of the Pyongyang Informatics Centre (DPR of Korea) provided theCJK compatibility symbols....
Miscellaneous SymbolsRange: 2600–26FF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names forThe Unicode Standard, Version 6.2 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard.See http://www....
Click the fonts list to choose a set of characters. To select a character, click the character, click Select, click the right mouse button in your document where you want the character, and then click Paste. Top of Page Common symbol character codes For more cha...
UpdatedMar 25, 2024 Python symbl-cc/symbl-data Star741 UNICODE Characters for SYMBL.CC emojiunicodescriptsemoji-unicodesymbolsenglishcharactersalphabetsideograms UpdatedJan 19, 2024 hani-momanii/SuperNova-Emoji Star363 library to implement and render emojis For Android ...
Full Emoji List emoji history index emoji-test.txt 有趣的编码 上標和下標數字 上標和下標字母 参考 中文字符集Unicode 编码范围 - 千千秀字 中文在unicode中的编码范围 Unicode 编码范围和中文编码范围 Regular Expressions Unicode 扫码安装简书客户端