For example, the "Basic Latin" block is all characters whose ordinals are between 0 and 127, inclusive, in other words, the ASCII characters. The "Latin" script contains some letters from this block as well as several more, like "Latin-1 Supplement", "Latin Extended- A", etc., but ...
For example, characters used for letters for Latin-based writing systemsare found in at least 14 different blocks: Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, LatinExtended-A , Latin Extended-B, Latin Extended-C, Latin Extended-D, LatinExtended-E, IPA Extensions, Phonetic Extensions, Phonetic Extensions Su...
searches are just going around in circles. I'm looking for a way to insert arbitrary Unicode characters into a LaTeX document. (Well, really I'm looking to be able to compose and print Chinese text on an unfamiliar *nix machine without having to muck around with CJK word processors. Meta...
(alt-0191) INVERTED QUESTION MARK = turned question mark Letters À U+00C0 (alt-0192) LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE Á U+00C1 (alt-0193) LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE Â U+00C2 (alt-0194) LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX Ã U+00C3 (alt-0195) LATIN CAPITAL ...
In writing in particular, small deviations can spoil the overall impression of some letters or even make the piece of writing unreadable. For humans, learning to write with simpler tools, such as pencils or pens, at an acceptable level takes many years of practice during childhood. With ...