uniletter.el Help to input Unicode letters. Commands M-x uniletter-copy-converted-text M-x uniletter-convert-region Functions (defun uniletter-convert (string to)) Supported characters
I often use unicode letters in my Coq identifers, to better match what we do on paper. This works fine in Coq, but the syntax highlighting of this extension draws a box around some these characters: This makes them look like some sort of error, and also makes them hard to read. In ...
will match all occurrences of 1 or more Unicode letters in the a string. NOTE that \p{Alphabetic} (\p{Alpha}) includes all letters matched by \p{L}, plus letter numbers matched by \p{Nl} (e.g. Ⅻ –a character for the roman number 12), plus some other symbols matched with \p{...
public static System.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange SpacingModifierLetters { get; } Wartość właściwości UnicodeRange Blok Modyfikator odstępów Unicode (U+02B0-U+02FF). Uwagi Pełny zestaw znaków w tym bloku można znaleźć w temacie Standard Unicode w wersji 12.1 — modyfi...
路径图文种名、符号名与块名翻译github.com/Kushim-Jiang/Zhihu/blob/master/article/007_roadmap_translation.md 本文按 The Unicode® Standard Version 15.0 – Core Specification 中第7 章至第 21 章顺序提供文种与相关块的汉文译名。 Europe-Ⅰ・欧洲-Ⅰ Latin・拉丁文字 Letters of Basic Latin: U...
Case-sensitive (_CS) Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. If this option is selected, lowercase letters sort ahead of their uppercase versions. If this option isn't selected, the collation is case-insensitive. That is, SQL Server considers the uppercase and lowercase versions of...
Case-sensitive (_CS) Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. If this option is selected, lowercase letters sort ahead of their uppercase versions. If this option isn't selected, the collation is case-insensitive. That is, SQL Server considers the uppercase and lowercas...
publicstaticSystem.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange SpacingModifierLetters {get; } Özellik Değeri UnicodeRange Aralık Değiştirici Harfleri Unicode bloğu (U+02B0-U+02FF). Açıklamalar Bu bloktaki karakter kümesinin tamamı için bkz. Unicode Standart, Sürüm 12.1 - Aralık...
That is, SQL Server considers the uppercase and lowercase versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes. You can explicitly select case insensitivity by specifying _CI. Accent-sensitive (_AS) Distinguishes between accented and unaccented characters. For example, a isn't equal to ấ....
Case-sensitive (_CS) Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. If this option is selected, lowercase letters sort ahead of their uppercase versions. If this option isn't selected, the collation is case-insensitive. That is, SQL Server considers the uppercase and lowercase versions of...