Name:Question Mark[1] Unicode Version:1.1 (June 1993)[2] Block:Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F[3] Plane:Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF[3] Script:Code for undetermined script(Zyyy)[4] Category:Other Punctuation(Po)[1] ...
Name: Inverted Question Mark[1] Unicode Version: 1.1 (June 1993)[2] Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF[3] Plane: Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF[3] Script: Code for undetermined script (Zyyy) [4] Category: Other Punctuation (Po) [1] Bidirectional Class: Other ...
公众号EMOJIALL QQ群774842773 知乎 微博
1、这是因为你的sql语句错了,需要重新打代码。2、Unicode 是一种重要的交互和显示的通用字符编码标准,它覆盖了美国、欧洲、中东、非洲、印度、亚洲和太平洋的语言,以及古文和专业符号。Unicode 允许交换、处理和显示多语言文本以及公用的专业和数学符号。它希望能够解决多语言的计算,如不同国家的字符标...
003F ? Question mark ⠸⠦ ⠦ 0040 @ Commercial at ⠈⠁ ⠈⠁ 005B [ Left square bracket ⠈⠷ ⠨⠣ 005C \ Reverse solidus ⠸⠡ ⠸⠡ 005D ] Right square bracket ⠈⠾ ⠨⠜ 005E ^ Circumflex accent ⠸⠣ ⠈⠢ 005F _ Low line ⠨⠤ 007B { Left...
It also defines normalization forms to provide for unique representations of characters.Myths of UnicodeFrom Mark Davis's Unicode Myths slides.Unicode is simply a 16-bit code - Some people are under the misconception that Unicode is simply a 16-bit code where each character takes 16 bits and ...
ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国信息交换标准代码)是最早的编码规则之一,它基于拉丁字母,并且主要设计来显示现代英语。ASCII编码总共定义了128个字符,这128个字符的十进制编号为0到127。下面是ASCII编码的表格,完整的表格可以查阅本章的附录1:ASCII编码。在ASCII编码表中,常用字符的...
(‼️) double exclamation mark -2049 ; Emoji # 3.0 [1] (⁉️) exclamation question mark -2122 ; Emoji # 1.1 [1] (™️) trade mark -2139 ; Emoji # 3.0 [1] (ℹ️) information -2194..2199 ; Emoji # 1.1 [6] (↔️..↙️) left-right arrow..down-left arrow ...
Unicode, characters, lists Code description U+0020 spaces U+0021!.U+0022 "double quotes"U+0023 # wells U+0024 $/ currency symbol U+0025%% symbol U+0026 & English abbreviation for "and"'U+0027' quotes U+0028 (open parentheses)U+0029) close parentheses U+002A * asterisk U+002B + ...