U+00A0 is the unicode hex value of the character No-Break Space (NBSP). Char U+00A0, Encodings, HTML Entitys: , , , UTF-8 (hex), UTF-16 (hex), UTF-32 (hex)
Unicode is an International character encoding standard that includes different languages, scripts and symbols. Each letter, digit or symbol has its own unique Unicode value.
Mouse click on character to get code: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ ...
Planes are subdivided in many character blocks, usually comprising a script, e.g. Tamil from U+0B80 to U+0BFF or something funny like Emoticons (starting at U+1F600). Not all (17×65,536=) 1,114,112 code points of Unicode are currently in use. At the time of writing, the latest...
Sixteen-bit Unicode characters pose a major problem for byte-oriented ASCII-based applications and file systems. For example, non-Unicode aware applications may misinterpret the leading 8 zero bits of the uppercase character 'A' (U+0041) as the single-byte ASCII NULL character. ...
这个值称为代码点(code point)。代码点的值通常写成 U+ABCD 的格式。而文字和代码点之间的对应关系就是UCS-2(Universal Character Set coded in 2 octets)。顾名思义,UCS-2是用两个字节来表示代码点,其取值范围为 U+0000~U+FFFF。为了能表示更多的文字,人们又提出了UCS-4,...
Empty characters, blank characters, invisible characters and whitespace characters. They look like a space, but are in fact a different (unicode) character. They can be used if you want to represent an empty space without using space. Let's say you want to use an empty value in a website...
目前尚未分配的代码点大约还有29 000个,不过它们是保留供将来使用的。另外,大约有 6 0 0 0个代码点是保留供个人使用的。■字符编码UTF-8 Unicode 统一了所有字符的编码,是一个 Character Set,也就是字符集,字符集只是给所有的字符一个唯一编号,但是却没有规定如何存储,一个编号为 65 的字符,只需要一个...