publicstaticSystem.Text.Unicode.UnicodeRange BoxDrawing {get; } Property Value UnicodeRange The Box Drawing Unicode block (U+2500-U+257F). Remarks For the full set of characters in this block, seeThe Unicode Standard, Version 12.1 - Box Drawing. ...
This is a tool to help you find Unicode characters. Finding a specific character whose name you don't know is cumbersome. On, all you need to know is the shape of the character! How do I use it? Draw your character as best you can in the "drawbox". You can do t...
(Box Drawing) 2580-259F:方块元素 (Block Element) 25A0-25FF:几何图形 (Geometric Shapes) 2600-26FF:杂项符号 (Miscellaneous Symbols) 2700-27BF:印刷符号 (Dingbats) 27C0-27EF:杂项数学符号-A (Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A) 27F0-27FF:追加箭头-A (Supplemental Arrows-A) 2800-28FF:盲文...
Unicode Version:1.1 (June 1993)[2] Block:Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F[3] Plane:Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF[3] Script:Code for undetermined script(Zyyy)[4] Category:Other Symbol(So)[1] Bidirectional Class:Other Neutral(ON)[1] ...
- C0 Controls and Basic Latin C1控制符和拉丁-1增补(0080-00FF) - C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement 拉丁扩展A(0100-017F) - Latin Extended-A 拉丁扩展B(0180-024F) - Latin Extended-B 国际音标扩充(0250-02AF) - IPA Extensions 间距修饰字符(02B0-02FF) ...
"0020-007F😄基本拉丁文😄Basic Latin", "0080-009F😄C1控制符😄C1 Controls", "00A0-00FF😄拉丁文补充-1😄Latin 1 Supplement", "0100-017F😄拉丁文扩展-A😄Latin Extended-A", "0180-024F😄拉丁文扩展-B😄Latin Extended-B", ...
- Box Drawing块状元素(2580-259F)- Block Elements几何图形(25A0-25FF)- Geometric Shapes杂项符号(2600-26FF)- Miscellaneous Symbols装饰标志(2700-27BF)- Dingbats杂项数学符号A (27C0-27EF)- Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A增补箭头A(27F0-27FF)- Supplemental Arrows-A盲文点字模型(2800-28FF)- ...
Arrows 箭頭符號 2200-22FF Mathematical Operators 數學運算符號 2300-23FF Miscellaneous Technical 混合專門符號 2400-243F Control Pictures 控制圖像 2440-245F Optical Character Recognition 光學字元識別 2460-24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics 括號字母數字 2500-257F Box Drawing 製表符 2580-259F Block Elements ...
Box Drawing 9600 9631 2580 259F 32 方块元素 Block Element 9632 9727 25A0 25FF 96 几何图形 Geometric Shapes 9728 9983 2600 26FF 256 杂项符号 Miscellaneous Symbols 9984 10175 2700 27BF 192 印刷符号 Dingbats 10176 10223 27C0 27EF 48 杂项数学符号-A Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A 10224 ...
2500:Box Drawing 边框2580:Block Elements 方块25A0:Geometric Shapes 几何形状2600:Miscellaneous Symbols 零杂符号2700:Dingbats 丁贝符27D0:Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A 零杂数学符号27F0:Supplemental Arrows-A 扩充箭头A2800:Braille Patterns 盲文2900:Supplemental Arrows-B 扩充箭头B2980:Miscellaneous ...