在试图读取网页的时候遇到TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported, 主要原因是返回的字符串已经是unicode类型了 Shane
TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported 修复Python 中 TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported 要解决此错误,我们必须将此行result = Unicode(google.searchGoogle(param), "utf-8").encode("utf-8")的语法更改为result = google.searchGoogle(param).encode(“utf-8”)。 UTF-8 应在google.searc...
解码不支持Unicode decoding unicode is not supported 解码不支持Unicode
Looks like google.searchGoogle(param) already returns unicode: >>> unicode(u'foo', 'utf-8') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> unicode(u'foo', 'utf-8') TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported So what you want is: result = google....
Ok, but you didn't get the error TypeError: unicode strings are not supported, so that's an improvement. The invalid literal business is a windows problem, unfortunately. Contributor Author Tahreeem commented Jun 24, 2018 Hmm yes, the TypeError is resolved at this point. Contributor siddMa...
对于Unicode 数据类型,数据库引擎 最多可以使用 UCS-2 表示 65,536 个字符;或者,如果使用了附属字符,可表示整个 Unicode 范围(1,114,112 个字符)。 如需详细了解如何启用增补字符,请参阅字符。或者,从 SQL Server 2019 (15.x) 开始,如果使用支持 UTF-8 的排序规则 (_UTF8),则以前的非 Unicode 数据类型...
Unicode text is supported in FrameMaker markers, catalog entries, and dialogs. PDF export supports Unicode text, bookmarks, tags, and comments. You can import or copy Unicode content from other applications. Unicode assigns a unique number to every single character, no matter which language or ...
Encoding is the process of transforming a set of Unicode characters into a sequence of bytes. Decoding is the process of transforming a sequence of encoded bytes into a set of Unicode characters. TheUnicode Standardassigns a code point (a number) to each character in every supported script. A...
Setting collations are supported at the following levels of an instance of SQL Server:Server-level collations Database-level collations Column-level collations Expression-level collationsServer-level collationsThe default server collation is determined during SQL Server setup, and it becomes the default ...
What makes these special is the fact that mouse cursors pass over them as they are combining characters - unlike most other zero width characters. 'ᅟ' U+115F HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER In general it produces a space. Rendered as zero width (invisible) if not explicitly supported in rendering...