The Excel UNICHAR function returns the Unicode character based on a given number value. Syntax =UNICHAR(number) Argument Number(Required): The number that represents the Unicode character. Return Value The Unicode character Function Notes 1. #VALUE error occurs: ...
UNICHAR function This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the UNICHAR function in Microsoft Excel. Description Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value. Syntax UNICHAR(number) The UNICHAR function syntax has the following arguments. NumberRequired. Number...
Excel UNICHAR函數根據給定的數字值返回Unicode字符。 句法 =UNICHAR(number) 爭論 聯繫電話(必需):表示Unicode字符的數字。 回報值 Unicode字符 功能說明 1.發生#VALUE錯誤: 如果數字為零; 或數字超出允許範圍。 2.如果Unicode數字是部分替代並且數據類型無效,則會發生#N / A錯誤。
The UNICHAR function is a numerical Unique code of any character in Excel. Syntax: =UNICHAR ( number ) number : a valid numerical code for the character Let’s understand this function using it in an example. As you can see in the above snapshot the UNICHAR function takes the 34 numerica...
The function check-Top is executing infinite times. The parameters row and col are co-ordinates of the table. Player will return true or false and the board is an array having 9 elements. Both window... jq事件处理 【专题2:电子工程师 之 硬件】 之【66.开关电源 之 buck电路和引入电感】 ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll C# Copy public string Unichar (double Arg1); Parameters Arg1 Double Returns String Applies to ProductVersions Excel primary interop assembly Latest Feedback Was this page helpful? Yes No ...
extract text in cell unichar unicode Category: General Excel Utilising the function UNICHAR Sometimes we wish to find characters to place into our spreadsheets but are unsure where to look and how to find them. Function UNICHAR allows us to enter a number and it will report the character. ...
UNICHAR function This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the UNICHAR function in Microsoft Excel. Description Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value. Syntax UNICHAR(number) The UNICHAR function syntax has the following arguments....
UNICHAR function This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the UNICHAR function in Microsoft Excel. Description Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value. Syntax UNICHAR(number) The UNICHAR function syntax has the following arguments....
UNICHAR function This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the UNICHAR function in Microsoft Excel. Description Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value. Syntax UNICHAR(number) The UNICHAR function syntax has the following arguments....