UNICEF's Mission Statement declares that it is mandated to protect children's rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. In carrying out its mission," UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the ChildRios-Kohn, ...
UNICEF has successfully made the shift from a needs-based, vertical sector programme to a rights-based approach rooted in the Convention on the Rights of the Child,although greater clarity on the implementation of rights-based programming at country level is still required. Read more on the Conve...
A review of national policies and laws, in terms of meeting the development and protection rights of the girl child, has been completed. The review recommended compulsory basic education, especially for girls, and the increase of the legal age at marriage to 18. In a seminar to discuss the ...
The text has not been edited to official publication standards and UNICEF accepts no responsibility for errors. The designations in this publication do not imply an opinion on legal status of any country or territory, or of its authorities, or the delimitation of frontiers. ...
Progress - Child Rights International Network - Crin:进步-儿童权利的国际网络-克林王 用爱激励留守儿童进步 中式早教儿童进步的奠基.doc 探析儿童福利事业的发展与进步 儿童教育-《一次比一次有进步》课件 儿童学习进步车 行业研究报告:发展儿童认知资本,促进社会繁荣进步 进步教育及儿童研究 "关注中国困境儿童年度进...
UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. It strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1965 for “promotion of brotherhood among the nations”. ...
emergency relief assistance for mothers and children who need it. primary problems unicef focused on unicef insists that every child has the right to good nutrition, health, education and security. therefore, it focuses on the following significant issues faced by children, such as hunger, disease...
Progress in educational rights, which focused largely on expanded access, will likely be rolled back, especially for girls. In the words of education activist Malala Yousafzai, girls “are the first to be removed from school and the last to return.” According to the Malala Fund (Malala Fund...
ABOUT UNICEF UNICEF is the world's leading child-focused humanitarian and development agency. Through innovative programs and advocacy work, UNICEF saves children's lives and secures their rights in virtually every country. UNICEF is supported entirely by voluntary donations and helps all children, ...
OrgChart will bind the click event to the DOM element with this ID (Optional) (Optional)| "download-pdf" (default) | | zoomInId| String| Id of the DOM element that, on click, will trigger a zoom of the org chart. OrgChart will bind the click event to the DOM element with this ...