首先我們先看看 MAC address 的結構,共有 32bits 如下,在 IP Multicast 中的前 23 個 Bits 是固定的,源由請看【為何IP Multicast 位址的 MAC address 必須擠到 23 位元裡面?】有詳細的說明,但是在 NLB 使用的 Multicast 模式中沒有這個限制,因為 NLB 的 Multicast 只有使用到 Layer 2 的 Multicast 協定:...
当然是A了 b是广播用的MAC地址 c是组播地址
Multicast on the other hand enables one-to-many communication among hosts. It enables one or more multicast sources to send one copy of a packet to multiple receivers. The packet is sent to a specific multicast address, which, unlike unicast addresses, belongs to a group of hosts rather than...
Unicast (单播) 一对一 Multicast(多播) 一对多 (可以选择特定对象) enables multiple applications to "subscribe" to a given IP address and port number and listen for messages. Broadcast(广播) 一对所有
[要点解析] IPv6支持3种基本地址类型:单播(unicast)地址、组播(multicast)地址、任意播(anycast)地址。这3种地址类型的定义及其相互间区别见表6-4。地址类型 定义 备注 单播地址 是点对点通信时使用的地址,目的地址为某一台计算机或路由器的IP地址 此地址仅标识一个接口。网络负责把对单擂地址发送的分组送到该接口...
This is my first time setting up Windows NLB. I would like to verify one thing about the multicast\unicast mac addresses. I realized a unique mac address is created for the NLB cluster. My question is as soon as the cluster is created, will this new cluster mac address be available righ...
NR multicast inherits most of the functionalities from NR unicast - including those that address reliability, coverage, latency, and mobility. Efficiency and scalability, which we identified as missing for unicast group communications, are addressed in Rel-17 NR multicast, which makes it a perfect ...
Are the DHCP Offer and DHCP acknowledgement messages unicast or multicast? No doubt the DHCP discover and DHCP request are both broadcasts, but what of the other 2? I captured a wireshark trace I did on my pc, and I can see the IP and MAC address on the packets are indicative of uni...
HRESULTget_UnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcastDisabled( NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 profileType, VARIANT_BOOL *disabled ); 参数 profileType disabled 返回值 无 备注 如果计算机发送广播数据包,则允许单播响应 3 秒。 使用此属性可更改此行为。 将从CurrentProfileTypes属性获取的配置文件类型 (get_CurrentProfileTypes)...
When you use the multicast method, each cluster host retains the original MAC address of the adapter. In addition to the original MAC address of the adapter, the adapter is assigned a multicast MAC address, which is shared by all cluster hosts. The incoming client requests are sent to all ...