The project can not found node_modules,you can: 1. use npm install -g @vue/cli to install and retry 2.import the source dir into HBuilderX and retry 这里我们采用一下pnpmd的方式构建依赖 npm install-g pnpm pnpm install//安装依赖pnpm run dev// 运行 运行的时候给了我们一个提示 PS D:\...
Found: vue@2.6.14 npm ERR! node_modules/vue npm ERR! vue@">= 2.6.14 < 2.7" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peer vue@"^3.0.0" from vant@4.9.1 npm ERR! node_modules/vant npm ERR! vant@"*" from the root project npm ERR! npm...
TypeError:Cannotreadproperty'replace'ofundefinedat normalizePath(D:\uniapp-Project\cga-miniapp-208\4-Invoice\node_modules\@dcloudio\uni-cli-shared\lib\util.js:7:45)...npm ERR!codeELIFECYCLEnpmERR!errno7npmERR!4-Invoice@0.1.0dev:h5:`cross-env NODE_ENV=development UNI_PLATFORM=h5 vue-cli-s...
创建uni-app项目时,从demo中获取uni.css时,运行程序报错"Module build failed (from ./node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js)" 需要从uni-app-demo中复制static/uni.ttf文件到本地目录下,进行操作 uni-app报错 caniuse-lite is outdated 解决方案 ...
├─.hbuiderx ├─.idea ├─common // 公共配置├─components // 项目中使用到的功能封装 ├─js-sdk ├─node_modules // 项目中使用到的功能封装 ├─packageB // 三方播放器、直播间相关界面├─pages │├─about // 关于我们│ ├─attenteacher // 关注讲师│ ├─check-class // 切换年级│...
1、先创建一个项目 2、在项目的内部终端输入命令安装 // 安装 npm installuview-ui3、如果安装成功文件下面会出现node_modules目录 4、引入uView主JS库 5、在引入uView的全局SCSS主题文件 6、引入uView基础样式 7、配置easycom组件模式 8、在vue文件中引用相关插件,就可以运行得到响应效果 ...
UnoCSS version 0.53.1 Describe the bug After configuring unocss for the vite project, after running the project with 'yarn dev', an error 'Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked' is reported from time to time: git clone
Found:vue@2.6.14npm ERR!node_modules/vue npm ERR!vue@">= 2.6.14 < 2.7"from the root project npm ERR!npm ERR!Couldnot resolve dependency:npm ERR!peer vue@"^3.0.0"from vant@4.9.1npm ERR!node_modules/vant npm ERR!vant@"*"from the root project...
D:\uniapp-Project\cga-miniapp-208\4-Invoice\node_modules\@dcloudio\uni-cli-shared\lib\util.js :7 constnormalizePath = path => (isWin ? path.replace(/\\/g,'/') : path) ^ TypeError:Cannot readproperty'replace' of undefined
D:\uniapp-Project\cga-miniapp-208\4-Invoice\node_modules\@dcloudio\uni-cli-shared\lib\util.js :7 const normalizePath = path => (isWin ? path.replace(/\\/g, '/') : path) ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined ...