module 'wxcomponents/towxml/parse/highlight/languages/c-like.js' is not defined, require args is './languages/c-like' 微信开发者工具新版的bug,亲测回退版本可以解决 @zhanlangorz 请问 类似的 Error: module 'wxcomponents/towxml/parse/highlight/languages/json.js' is not defined, require args is...
打开wechat devtools,模拟器运行报错,具体如下: Error: module 'common/promise-polyfill/dist/polyfill.js' is not defined, require args is 'promise-polyfill/dist/polyfill' Author ZiFycommentedApr 26, 2024 换成yarn后,相同操作运行完全正常 ZiFyclosed this ascompletedApr 26, 2024...
const ScriptSetup = require('unplugin-vue2-script-setup/webpack').default module.exports = { parallel: false, configureWebpack: { plugins: [ ScriptSetup({ /* options */ }), ], }, chainWebpack (config) { // disable type check and let `vue-tsc` handles it 禁用类型检查,让 vue-tsc...
heroArgs ) { // does nothing } // bad createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf ); // good createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ); // good (note that a comma must not appear after a "rest" element) createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ...heroArgs )...
console.warn('@dcloudio/uni-app-x not found') } } const ts = require(path.resolve(utsLibDir, 'typescript')) as typeof tsTypes const androidOptions: RunAndroidOptions = { typescript: ts, utsLibDir, uniAppXTypesDir, hxLanguageServiceDir, originalPositionForSync, ...options, 8 changes...
isURL } = require('../utils/utils.js'); /** * 处理css文件 * 1.内部引用的wxss文件修改为css文件 * 2.修正引用的wxss文件的路径 * * @param {*} fileContent css文件内容 * @param {*} miniprogramRoot 小程序主体所在目录 * @param {*} file_wxss 当前处理的文件路径 */ async function ...