Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options New issue extclpopened this issueJul 12, 2024· 0 comments extclpchanged the titleFailed to resolve import "lwa" from "node_modules/sard-uniapp/use/useLuckyDraw.jsJul 12, 2024 sutrasclosed this ascompletedin5868e16Jul 13, 2024 ...
针对您遇到的问题 uniapp failed to resolve component: uni-forms,以下是根据您提供的提示分点进行的解答: 1. 确认uni-forms组件的来源和类型 首先,需要明确uni-forms组件是uni-app框架自带的组件、来自某个第三方库,还是您自定义的组件。uni-app框架本身并没有直接名为uni-forms的组件,这很可能是第三方库或自...
借鉴vueUse 里面onClickOutside 的实现就好了,就是不知道打包成App之后还能不能用,小程序应该没啥问题。 有用 回复 avicii。: 13:41:57.305 [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "@vue/composition-api/dist/vue-composition-api.mjs" from "/Users/Tech-Services/Desktop/Her Coach/node_modules/vue-d...
使用vue-router,在main.js中import组件,初始化后报错: Failed to resolve async componentrender:TypeError:Cannotreadproperty‘$createElement’ofundefined VUE Router Error matched of undefined } VUE RouterErrorinrender: “TypeError:Cannotreadproperty‘matched‘ofundefined“ 加上 export default router; ...
import{ onLoad, onShow, onReady}from'@dcloudio/uni-app';onReady(() =>{/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark');/* #endif */});onShow(() =>{/* #ifdef APP-PLUS */plus.navigator.setStatusBarStyle('dark');/* #endif */}); ...
import store from '@/store' // 引入基地址文件 import config from '@/config' // 引入获取token文件 import { getAccessToken } from '@/utils/auth' // 引入转台码错误文件 import errorCode from '@/utils/errorCode' // 引入公共方法文件 ...
Please note that in running mode, due to log output, sourcemap, and uncompressed source code, the performance and package size are not as good as release mode. Compiling... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 解决方案: 通过执行npx @dcloudio/uvm alpha升级依赖 ...
resolve(; } else { reject('Failed to fetch user.'); } }, fail: (err) => { reject(err); } }); }); } ``` 在这段代码中,通过调用getUser并附带适当的userId, 即可实现专注于结果的编程风格。用Promise封装之后的API请求方法也极易于再用于其他场景或整合进更复杂的异步流程。
failed to load config from /xxxxxx/vite.config.ts 09:37:26.975 error when starting dev server: 09:37:26.975 Error: 09:37:26.982 You installed esbuild for another platform than the one you're currently using. 09:37:26.983 This won't work because esbuild is written with native code and...
Failed to resolve loader:sass-loader You may need to install it. 解决方法:安装 sass-loader 依赖 npm 安装: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 npm i sass-loader--save-dev yarn 安装: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...