真机报错VM22:2 (in promise) MiniProgramError {“errMsg”:“request:fail-2:net::ERR_FAILED”} Object 原因: 可能是:https证书过期了 可在阿里云上重新申请 注意:要部署全站加速 下载对应的服务器类型证书 替换原有证书,重启tomcat 微信小程序request:fail connection timed out错误 ...
我们需要设置一个时间限制来监测蓝牙是否在规定时间内开启。 // 设置超时监控functionsetTimeoutPromise(duration){returnnewPromise((_,reject)=>{setTimeout(()=>{reject(newError('Bluetooth enabling timed out!'));// 超时提示},duration);});} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. setTimeoutPromise函数用...
fmt. Println ("connection established successfully!") } //Start the interface of the server func (s *Server) Start() { // socket listen listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.Ip, s.Port)) if err != nil { fmt.Println("net.Listen err: ", err) return } ...
update the timer belowcase<-time. After (time. Second *10)://trigger the timer after 10s//Has timed out//Force the current user to closeuser. Sendmsg ("you got kicked.")//Destruction of resourcesclose(user.C)//
fmt. Println ("connection established successfully!") } //Start the interface of the server func (s *Server) Start() { // socket listen listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.Ip, s.Port)) if err != nil { ...