js:46:20) [HBuilder] 11:35:24.624 ERROR Build failed with errors. [HBuilder] 11:35:24.657 项目'tx_carling_buyer_app' 发布微信小程序失败. 错误文件是:Error: Compile failed at components/description/index.vue 在这个文件我发现事件我是这样写的: @click.stop="preview(img, item.compute(item))...
@./src/main.js?{"page":"pages%2Ftest%2Findex"}ERRORBuild failedwitherrors.npmERR!codeELIFECYCLE 之前也没遇到过这个报错信息,人给我整傻了 去了一趟厕所就来灵感了,一下就找到了关键信息,很快啊 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 -options has an unknown property'prependDat...
16:12:05.366 Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@dcloudio/vue-cli-plugin-uni/packages/vue-loader/lib/loaders/templateLoader.js): 16:12:05.366 Error: Compile failed at components/maramlee-waterfalls-flow/maramlee-waterfalls-flow.vue 16:12:05.377 at compile (C:\Users\86188\Desktop\谷...
[HBuilder] 14:37:33.377 项目'hy-web-app-ui'编译成功。 [HBuilder] 14:37:33.395 ERROR Build failed with errors. 当前项目一直使用的node版本为14.14.0一直以为是node-saas和sass-loader版本不对, npm uninstall node-sass sass-loader npm install node-sass@4.13.1sass-loader@7.3.1npm rebuild node-s...
ERROR Build failed with errors. error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command. 出现以上问题,是因为sass-loader版本太高,重新安装低版本sass-loader即可(11以下的) ...
09:44:31.742 [tsl] ERROR 09:44:31.743 TS18002: The 'files' list in config file 'tsconfig.json' is empty. 09:44:31.764 ERROR Build failed with errors. 一样的问题,源码并没有改动,就升级了Hbuilder。
Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs,这个问题它只是说出现了一些error,并让我们去查看日志,但是这里没有什么日志,我就看到了下边的这个博客:Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs问题处理,这里我们就需要通过终端输入“gradlew processDebugManifest --stacktrace”,就可以查看到相应的...
runByAliIde) { stopSpinner(false) } if (err) { return reject(err) } if (stats.hasErrors()) { /* eslint-disable prefer-promise-reject-errors */ return reject('Build failed with errors.') } if (!args.silent && (process.env.UNI_PLATFORM !== 'app-plus' || process.env.UNI_...
Fail If the programmer responds with an F, the programmer has failed to run the last command entered because errors were generated. You can find out more about the errors by using one of the error inquiry commands, such as X or / (the / command is available on UniSite only). ...
I found something similar,i running the project with 'vite build -- watch',the error will be thrown later and build failed, after i delete "import 'virtual:uno.css'" and run again,the building is running normally. StrivingRabbitcommentedJul 4, 2023• ...