在uniapp中遇到blob is not defined的错误,通常是因为uniapp运行在类似于小程序或App的环境中,这些环境并不直接支持Web标准中的Blob对象。Blob对象主要用于处理不可变的原始数据,如文件内容,它在Web浏览器中广泛支持,但在非浏览器环境中(如微信小程序、支付宝小程序、App等)可能不可用。 解决方案 检查环境: 首先确...
这个错误是因为 Blob 这个对象在你所使用的环境中没有定义。Blob 对象表示了一段二进制数据,它可以用来处理文件和图片。在大多数浏览器环境(如 Chrome, Firefox, Safari 等)中,Blob 是全局可访问的。但在某些环境(如 Node.js 或某些移动设备)中,可能并没有全局定义 Blob 对象。 对于警告 "cos-js-sdk-v5 不...
5.修复在微信小程序中提示:uni is not defined的bug。 6.修复在某些情况下,下拉刷新页面会跟着下拉的bug。 7.其他细节优化。 2.0.0(2021-08-16) 1.自定义下拉刷新view无需设置refresher-threshold,将根据view自动计算高度。 2.修复在iOS 13中下拉刷新抖动的问题。 3.新增inside-more,支持在...
文档参考github:https://github.com/fzlee/alipay/blob/master/docs/init.md沙箱环境配置:https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/200/1053111、进入沙箱环境进行配置,有对应的APPID和支付宝网关2、然后设置RSA2密钥,可下载支付宝开放平台开发助手进行生成,可查看 文档 python支付宝支付 支付宝 json 文件路径 转载 蓝...
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the...
// thumbTags['blob'] = new Blob([new Uint8Array(dataView.buffer, tOffset, tLength)], { // type: 'image/jpeg' // }); } break; case 1: console.log("Thumbnail image format is TIFF, which is not implemented."); break; default:...
git log alias with parameters not woring I have this alias for git setup which is working. But when I add a parameter its not working correctly. Any ideas? So when I do I get all logs showing changes from Migrations folder. But when I use th... ...
response); } else { throw "Could not load image"; } http = null; }; http.open("GET", img.src, true); http.responseType = "arraybuffer"; http.send(null); } } else if (window.FileReader && (img instanceof window.Blob || img instanceof window.File)) { var fileReader = new ...
[Vue warn]:Property or method "toJSON" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See:https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Rea...
* See https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/blob/main/LICENSE.md for full licensing details. */ import{a as n}from"./chunk-5LFSMKBW.js";import{a as i}from"./chunk-SCK4WQG5.js";import{e as r}from"./chunk-QCJNT7ZH.js";var o={};function e(t,l){if(!r(t))throw new i("id...