(Infusion pump) double pump door locking buckle, ingenious design: guarding the infusion of multi-directional, safety and security more assured (syringe pump) high infusion accuracy: high precision ± 2 % range. Arbitrary combination, free stacking: between the infusion single pump can realize ...
Longer infusion length options to treat longer clots A standard sidehole catheter design results in the lytic agent following the path of least resistance causing uneven distribution. The Uni-Fuse catheter with Pressure Response Outlets and the occluding ball wire allow for even pressure distribution ...
Supplier Homepage Products Syringe Pump Unifusion SP50 Hospital Medical Portable Volumetric Infusion Syringe Pump Equipment Related Categories Home Care Nursing Equipment Medical Surgical Nursing Equipment Cna Practice Nursing Equipment Hot Searches Medical Supply Medical ...
Hospital Volumetric Infusion Pump Solution for Nicu US$359.00-759.00 / Unit Medrena Unifusion Syringe Driver Pump 5000 Entries History Records US$359.00-759.00 / Unit Portable Micro Programmable Smart Touch Screen Syringe Pump CE0197 US$359.00-759.00 / Unit ...
Univalvular constant liquid delivery pump, which is constituted by a tubular cylindrical body with its rear end closed and provided with a suspension handle to project, whose passage is controlled by a valve, said tubular body adapted by the front end having a second tubular element that ...
Unifuse导管直接溶栓治疗急性下肢深静脉血栓形成 Unifuse Infusion Catheter-directed Thrombolytic Therapy in Treatment of Acute Low 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: · 36·监鏖退途送渔垫12生!Q旦筮2§ 鲞筮!Q翅业!i!鱼些型驾&画!鱼丛亟b!!!PY,y!!:2』,盟!!!Q:Q堂量!垫!iI-Zcl i ni calpresent...
Uniscape Receives $10M Infusion.Uniscape Receives $10M Infusion.Reports on the investment provided by Sequoia Capital to Uniscape. Total amount of the investment; Information on the business of Uniscape; Information on Uniscape's other initial public offerings.BraunschweigCarolina...
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An arrangement for delivering an infusion, comprises a holder (14) for a container (16) that holds the liquid, a drop chamber (24) downstream of it, and a throttling valve (28) in the tube that leads to the patient. The holder has a weight measurement unit (18) which monitors the ...
Used as a metering unit for intravenous infusion liq. The unit provides positive pumping action combined with monitored infusion pressure thus overcoming the difficulties inherent in gravity feed, such as the need for high-level supply and inaccurate dosage due to falling infusion pressure. (...