The University of Manchester invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a full-time lectureship in Digital Media and Culture. The successful candidate will have a PhD in media and communication or in a related field. We are interested in candidates w...
The first graduates of the course graduated in 2012 with an MPH granted by our partner, Manchester Metropolitan University, and, to date, there are 88 Alumni group members (Table 1 represents the regions from which the alumni come). Table 1 Region from which alumni come – to May 2015 (n...
Genes & Health is a long-term innovative programme of research, aiming to improve health among people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage by analysing the genes and health of 100,000 people in select UK population centres, including East London, Bradford and Manchester. The s...
The first graduates of the course graduated in 2012 with an MPH granted by our partner, Manchester Metropolitan University, and, to date, there are 88 Alumni group members (Table 1 represents the regions from which the alumni come). Table 1 Region from which alumni come – to May 2015 (n...