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Leeds Manchester Preston Salford Sheffield York Bradford College Leeds Arts University Leeds Beckett University Leeds City College Leeds College of Music Leeds Trinity University Sheffield Hallam University University of Bradford University of Huddersfield University of Law (Leeds) University of SheffieldiQ...
Ranked 6th in the UK overall (Uni Compare, 2025), you can be confident that whatever you choose to study, you’ll be part of a university dedicated to excellence and focused on your future.Located in Ormskirk in Lancashire, close to Liverpool and Manchester, Edge Hill offers a diverse ...
RFID IND Modbus (Uni, H125, HT2) 用户手册说明书 User manual RFID IND Modbus (Uni, H125, HT2)Soft >= 1.3 User manual RFID IND Modbus (Uni, H125, HT2)Page1 of 16 [B04]
曼彻斯特大学 Manchester MArch RIBA Part II (21Fall) Lu | 从英欧转战美国的申请路 西浦学子拿下伯克利MArch2 本科背景 西交利物浦大学/建筑学(2+2)联合项目 录取结果 加州大学伯克利分校 UC Berkeley MArch2 (22Fall) 康奈尔大学 Cornell MSAAD (22Fall) ...
建筑联盟学院 住房城市化 / AA Housing and Urbanism MA 曼彻斯特建筑学院 建筑都市主义 / MSA MA Architecture and Urbanism 谢菲尔德大学 建筑 / Sheffield MS Sustainable Architecture Studies 卡迪夫大学 城设 / Cardiff MA Urban Design 姓名:阿毛 本科:暨南大学 建筑学 ...
Philadelphia Housing Action (Philadelphia, PA) Steve Leigh (Seattle, Wa) Cutte: The Transfeminine Trainwreck (WA) Jenny Hubbard (Soquel, CA) Johnny Joestar (Upstate New York) Clare (Atlanta, GA) Alexandra Mastorakis (Atlanta, GA) Bloc from the Block (New York) ...